meeting jackie howard

Start from the beginning

"Have you seen Isaac today?" Grace asks Skylar and Jade as she sits down at their normal lunch table "He looks so depressed. It's kind of making me feel bad for him."

"He's been looking like that ever since the break up" Skylar tells Grace "And don't feel bad for him. He deserved it."

"Can we please not talk about Isaac? It's all I've been hearing all day from people" Jade complains "I've honestly debated just murdering Isaac 'cause I'm that sick of hearing about him."

"Wouldn't you hear about him more if he's dead?" Skylar asks.

"Yes, but at least I wouldn't have to see his horrible yet gorgeous face" Jade tells Skylar "Anyways, subject change?"

"Who is that with Cole?" Grace asks, making Skylar and Jade to turn around to see someone they don't recognise. Normally, Jade knows everyone at school. She is considered popular, because she talks to a lot of people, but she has always stuck with Grace and Skylar "Jade, do you know who that is?"

"I surprisingly have no idea" Jade tells Grace with a shrug "She's probably new."

"But why is Cole being so nice to her?" Grace asks "He's not nice to anyone. Not even Erin and they're sort of in a relationship."

"He's probably into her" Skylar says "Or wants to have sex with her."

"I mean, if I liked girls I'd be into her too" Jade mentions "She's pretty. Like really pretty."

"Sometimes I wonder if you are into girls" Grace tells Jade, which makes her roll her eyes. Grace has had a suspicion that Jade is either pansexual or bisexual. Jade talks about pretty girls too much for her to be straight "What? I remember so many times you saying that you are jealous of Cole because you'd love to kiss Erin."

"I'm with Grace on this" Skylar agrees "You give off some gayness."

"Okay, the reason I said that about Erin is because she has nice lips and I wonder what they'd feel like because Isaac's were always chapped" Jade says before sighing "Ugh, I brought him up again."

"Probably because you aren't over him" Grace mentions to Jade "I mean, you two didn't break up that long ago. You wouldn't have completely lost feelings for him yet."

"I've lost all of my respect for him" Jade tells Grace "But you're right, I haven't lost feelings for him. Yet. But I will."

"Okay Jade" Skylar says with a laugh as the bell rings for them all to go to class.

"I'll see you two gorgeous people in last period" Jade says with a smile before getting up to go to her locker.


Once Jade got to her biology lesson, she sat on the table in front of Skylar, since Grace sits next to him. "So, I found out some things about the new girl" Skylar says to Jade, making her turn around.

"What did you find out?" Jade says, being intrigued. Jade is one of those people that knows everything about everyone. She has no idea why people do this, but they tell her secrets that they wouldn't even tell their friends, apparently Jade is just a very trustworthy person. So, with there being a new girl, Jade was wanting to learn as much as she could about her.

"It's not much" Skylar tells Jade, which makes her pull a 'I can't believe you' face "All I know is that her name is Jackie, she moved from New York and she's sat in the front row."

"So she's rich?" Jade guesses, looking at Jackie who is sat on a table by herself "I mean, dressed like that how could she not be rich?"

"Okay, so, I need you in groups of three of four" The Chemistry teacher says to the class, making Jade and Skylar finish their conversation "One person in each group needs to identify the equipment, one person writes down the results and the third mixes the liquids. Okay, let's go."

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