[Arc 1] Tau's Venture

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This was a tale from long ago; long before the Pridelands were ever inhabited as it is today.

Far in the north, where animals lived in unity and sanctity; a terrible drought befall the animals, many lives lost, and few struggled on to survive. Friends became divided and water became scarce for the strong to claim.

Ahadi, leader of the time claimed he would venture south to find a new land for animals to live in and offered others to join in his quest. Through the hardship he led, the group of animals passed through the harsh desert where no green grows. The landscape were rough and dry, rocks and pillars of dirt toward above, the heat of the sun were harsh, and the moonless nights were cold.

Hope begun to fade as the search continued on with no fruit to their labor, when they started losing hope, that was when they'd found it. A field of green, trees dotted the lands, water for plenty to drink. It was paradise, it was home, it was, their Prideland.

Salvation came, prosperity reign, and with the great king Ahadi who led them through, they had nothing to fear. Or so the animals thought, when the hyenas, loyal subjects of Ahadi were found treason for a crime they'd not committed and exiled into the harsh desert they'd once ventured through.

Mwisho, leader of the hyenas at the time and loyal friend of Ahadi felt betrayed and humiliated by these actuation and left. Severing the trust the two once shared.

Ahadi, along with his mate Uru soon gave birth to two cubs, the eldest son Mufasa and their younger Taka. Mufasa was wise and kind to all animals in their kingdom, whereas Taka was crafty and selfish. Taka later became known as Scar plotted his brother's demise and claim to be king.

Though all his schemes would soon fail, his cruelty soon led him to seek aid from his father's laten friend Mwisho, who told him of a way for Scar to become king, and with the hyenas who followed him, Scar would succeed.

Mwisho had laid a trap for Ahadi, that through an unfortunate event claimed both their lives.

With Ahadi's death, brought rise to the new king Mufasa to claim his rightful place as a powerful and fierce leader that all enemies would tremble before.

Though Scar's ambition never died or wavered through the years, until Mufasa's son Simba was born and with the help of the hyenas and Scar's master plan, soon brought an end of Mufasa's reign and the rise of Scar's.

With the Circle of Life in jeopardy, a fateful encounter led Simba back to reclaim his rightful place as King of the Pridelanders. With the victorious battle against Scar, all was right with the world once again...

Or so they thought.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 16 ⏰

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