"I know she's been studying her duties quite extensively over the last couple of days," Niyu said. "She may not be prepared for visitors at this time, much like she was not this morning."

"And my apologies for arriving so soon, my lady," Fu Jie responded. Lienji raised his hand off of his throne once more.

"I'll allow it," the emperor said. "Wife, show Prince Jie to her chambers."

"Y-yes, your highness," said Niyu. She bowed before him, as did Fu Jie and Xianying upon standing.

"A million blessings, your Imperial Highness," said Fu Jie.

Niyu led the pair out of the throne room. Fue Jie walked alongside Niyu down the corridors, lined with beautifully crafted relief carvings and hanging embroideries. The prince eyed several young handmaidens they passed by during their routine duties. Xianying trailed behind them both, admiring the Xian Palace artwork while keeping a watchful eye out for the strangely absent royal advisor. Niyu sighed. She held her head up high, though her expression was much less confident than her stance. She led the pair up a flight of stairs and toward the bedchambers of her daughter, Hong Yuanji.

"This is it," Niyu said. "I did mention that she has been rather busy lately with her responsibilities. It's likely that she's still resting."

"This shall not take long, my lady, I assure you," said Fu Jie. "I would just like to see this lovely young maiden before she becomes my wife." Niyu hung her head.

"Very well," she said. Her knuckles gently tapped against Yuanji's door. Niyu leaned in closer and spoke louder. "Yuanji. Yuanji, you have visitors. The Crown Prince, Fu Jie, is here to meet with you." All three listened in as silence answered back. Niyu exhaled a heavy breath. "Yuanji, I am opening the door. Please be presentable."

Niyu placed her hand on the door and pushed. It opened slowly, revealing a quiet bedroom. It was neat and tidy as Yuanji had always kept it. Books sat stacked neatly atop a small table in the center of the room. Incense burned by a lantern in the corner of the room. Curtains covering the balcony blew and shifted in the wind. Yuanji's caged sparrow ruffled its feathers, one fluttering away and slowly down toward the ground. The room was as silent as it had been on the other side of the door. Niyu entered, peeking around.

"Yuanji?" her mother asked. She looked to Yuanji's bed. A sleeping form laid beneath a sheet, her head turned away from the door. Niyu came closer to the bed where presumably Yuanji lay sleeping. "Yuanji, wake up."

The sleeping figure remained unresponsive beyond the rhythmic pattern of her breathing slowly raising and lowering the sheet over her body. Niyu huffed and shook her head.

"By the gods, Yuanji, you mustn't sleep so late," she said, shaking her head. Xianying peeked into the room from the open door. Fu Jie stayed behind, keeping to the outer corridor. Niyu turned back toward them. "My apologies, crown prince Jie. It seems that Yuanji is far too tired to meet with anyone right now."

"That is quite alright, my lady," Fu Jie said. As Niyu exited the room and quietly closed the door behind her, Jie turned to Xianying. He met her eyes and tilted his head. She smiled and bowed before Niyu. Without waiting for a response, Xianying turned away and casually made her way out of the palace. Niyu watched before Jie caught her attention once more. "I understand the trials and pressures of living a royal life. I would hate to interrupt the princess's much needed rest."

"Your patience is appreciated, crown prince Jie," Niyu said. "I am confident that Yuanji will make a fine wife for you."

"Oh, as am I," Fue Jie said, his voice spilled like cream through a twisted smirk. "I have already made preparations for her new life with me." Niyu forced a smile and bowed her head.

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