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Lucie's POV

"I'm just so excited for you Lucie, this is a huge step for you and for all of the other schools here." my mom said, hovering over me at my vanity.

I attempted to bite my tongue as I listened to my mom express how happy she was about me attending Voltaire, acting like she was the one going, as I watched myself in the mirror stick my earrings in my ear.

I winced as I missed my last piercing and poked myself. "Don't get too excited. It's probably not that different from my previous school, but boys are just put into the mix."

She sighed at my comment and walked out of my room. I slightly curled my eyelashes and took one final look at myself in the mirror, admiring the white turtleneck sweatshirt that was tucked into my skirt, with my white headband and a light blue diamond scarf around my neck, which went well with my signature gold necklace.

Finally, I adjusted my long, dark brown hair to the front. I grabbed the vanity for balance as I got up and left the room smelling like roses on a warm summer day. I admired the plants that my mom had been nurturing for ages as I walked to the kitchen, the smell of pancakes lingering in the air.

My dad sat at the end reading the paper and drinking his coffee, like every single day in this household, I sat across from him and began taking more and more bites, enjoying every bit of my mom's delicious cooking.

"Ohh!" My mom exclaimed, just remembering something. She rested her finger on her chin like she was trying to piece together pieces of a puzzle. "Doesn't the Descamps boy attend Voltaire?" she asked.

"Shit! I forgot about that, " I thought. I sighed heavily. "Yeah, unfortunately."

My dad finally looked up from his paper "Oh that son of Descamps is a nice boy. He has a bright future ahead of him." he praised.

I rolled my eyes as I finished my food and drank the rest of my milk, they knew absolutely nothing about Descamps besides the fact he helps us around the shop sometimes, lifting bags of flour and flirting with the girls that walk in to buy pastries, while looking seemingly "innocent", when in reality, he was a perverted jerk who loved to mess with people, especially her.

3rd Person

The two had lived by each other for years. She grew up witnessing his shenanigans, but no matter what he did, he never got in trouble. It was like his parents never disciplined him, mostly because they thought he was such an "angel", if anything, he was the complete opposite of that. He never really acknowledged her until their adolescence. Whenever he saw her, he made sure that she was left in a poor mood, whether it was by tugging at her hair, making sly comments, or just simply walking into a room. He was insufferable, and he knew it. At 14, he was already way above the height of most adults around them, and he had grown into his features, although, not much of his personality had changed. She shook the thought of him off and brought her dishes to the sink.

"Alright, do you have everything prepared?" her mom asked as she dusted her hands and leaned against the counter. She grabbed her satchel and took one swift look inside before kissing her parents on the cheeks and saying goodbye.

The sun wasn't out today, which fueled some of her nervousness. She looked up at the sky and then narrowed her vision farther into the street, her eyes landed on the back of a dirty blonde-haired girl wearing a green.

Oh, there's Michele! Lucie detected she was just about to run up to her when she felt a presence behind her and a sensation on her back.

She whipped her head around and just about groaned as she saw the last person she wanted to be around right now.

BE MY ANGEL - J. DESCAMPSWhere stories live. Discover now