"Speaking of adviser, you should go check up with Eina Bell, she doesn't know that you almost got killed fighting an infant dragon, let alone going into the dungeon that late at night" Riveria said, back into her motherly aura.

"Can... can you come with me... I'm scared of what she's gonna do to me when I tell her..." Finn and Gareth laughed.

"Kid, how you wanna be a hero but scared of a woman? Better man up if you wanna reach your goal!" Gareth was right I guess... but when Eina is mad... she's scary... really scary.

"Alright alright... I'll go by myself" my  body was still a bit sore from yesterday, but I should be okay to walk on the streets by myself.

"Finn, Gareth, Mama, quick meeting after Bell leaves"

They all nodded, as I left the room and closed the door, Alicia was outside, waiting for me

"You idiot! What were you thinking?!" She lightly punched me in the shoulder, how did she even know anyways?? Maybe Riveria told her...

"I'm sorry I'm sorry...! I was just... a bit troubled I guess..." I rubbed the spot where she hit me.

"Then you can talk to me! Or anyone in the familia dummy!" I stayed quiet, lowering my head a bit. Raul told me about how Alicia was like the older sister of the Familia, always worrying about everyone, reminds me of Eina and the way she worries about me...

Also I couldn't even talk to Alicia about any of this, or anyone else about what I was thinking yesterday. Suddenly, she put her hand on my cheek, catching me off guard, I looked at her face, she had a sympathetic smile, with a bit of tears in her eyes, no way she was really crying right...?

"I'm glad you're okay Bell but please... please be more careful... and also...! If you're having troubles talk to me, or someone at least!" She started to punch my cheek, which kinda hurts...

"Ow ow ow! Okay okay!" She finally let go, I held my cheek with my hand, before suddenly being caught off guard when she hugged me, she wrapped her arms around my back, her face leaning on my shoulder. I returned the hug, wrapping my arms around her slender back. Thank Loki she can't see my face right now, I'm more red than a tomato.

We let go of the hug, my blush still a bit visible, although she was still blushing quite a bit too"

"Do you have anything planned today Bell?"

"I was gonna head to the guild to check in with my adviser... then maybe I'll get something to eat in the city, haven't eaten breakfast yet, why?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could tag along...? I'm not really doing anything today, and I don't plan on going to the dungeon, I need to rest up for the expedition, so might as well just relax"

b-dm, b-dm, b-dm

My heart was racing quite a bit, my heartbeats were really loud, I wouldn't be surprised if she heard them. She wanted to hang out with me...? So... like a date...?

b-dm b-dm b-dm

Crap, I took a deep breath, trying to slow down my heart beat.

Come on boy! This is your chance to get  close with the girl! Make your move!!

You're not helping grandpa! I sighed "Sure, I don't mind" She clapped her hands together, letting out a smile.

"Great! Are we leaving now?"

"Yeah, I need to apologize to Miss Eina for going into the dungeon without her permission..."

"Wait... you went down without telling your adviser?! How far did you even go?!"

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