Rise of the Titans (1)

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"Gather around and allow me to tell you the story of stories, the final adventure, the tale of it all." Blinky opened his book and started explaining to the readers of the tale that started it all. "It begins, like all great stories do, a long, long time ago... As a war between mankind and magic raged. A conflict between humans, allied with good-hearted, peace-seeking trolls, and the relentless evil trolls who would see them destroyed. The mightiest wizard of all, Merlin Ambrosius, sought to maintain the balance by forging a powerful weapon, The Trollhunter Amulet. Millennia passed, and troll-kind settled in the shadows, beneath the human world, in the quiet hamlet of Arcadia Oaks. In this very land, the Trollhunter, Kranjigar, was felled in battle by an evil troll. And for the first time since its creation, Merlin's amulet called to a human. At first glance, an unremarkable one." He explained.

"My name is James Lake Junior." Jim introduces himself to the readers. "It's not easy being the Trollhunter. It's even harder being the first human Trollhunter. Fortunately, I had my friends to help. Friends from Arcadia. And a little further away. Not forgetting my older sister y/n." He adds on. "Heh, when I say friends, I might have been exaggerating. Although we saved Arcadia and the world numerous times..."

"The Trollhunter could not save himself." Blinky finished Jim's sentence. "Tragically, Master Jim was felled by dark magic. The Trollhunter Amulet was destroyed. Malevolent wizards known as the Arcane Order saw to that. Then, much to everyone's surprise, one of the Arcane Order turned to the side of good."

"The other two are on the hunt for her. You see, they wanna use something called the 'Genesis Seals' to... well, I don't know what the seals do, but you gotta figure it's bad. The point is, the world has never been in greater danger, or needed the Trollhunter more." Jim recounted. Him, Toby, Claire and y/n were at the top of a hill looking down at the city as Jim questions himself, "But without the Amulet, am I still the Trollhunter?"


In the subway underground, an announcement was made, "This train is scheduled for maintenance. The next train will be arriving shortly." As the passengers exited the train, the train rode off. In the train, Douxie and Nari were the only ones left. Nari, who was wearing human clothes hummed a tune while Douxie was having some uncertainties.

"This is a bad idea." He stood up. Nari grabbed his hand and insisted, "No. No more running, Douxie." Douxie smiled softly as he sat back down, muttering, "No more running." The windows started to freeze as Douxie felt the chilled window.

"Can you feel it too, Nari?" He asked. Nari's plant closed as she replied, "They're here." The freeze spread throughout the compartment next to Douxie and Nari as the lights in the compartment they were in started to flicker. At the end of the compartment, they were in, fire spread as the windows shattered.

"Here we go." Douxie helped Nari up as they prepared to face their first challenger. The fire melted the compartment slowly as Douxie and Nari shifted to the next compartment, not knowing that it was completely frozen. As Douxie entered the compartment first, he slipped on the ice as Nari slipped too.

"Nari." Skrael spoke as they stared at the end of the compartment in terror. Skrael appeared as he spoke.

"Nari... We have tracked you down and we are bringing you back."

"Causa crepitus!" Douxie summoned his staff as the screws of the seats and poles became lose.

"Magna torna tuess!" The unscrewed seats and poles flew at Skrael, trapping him. On the other end of the compartment, the door has completely melted due to the heat as Bellroc entered, chanting something.

"Nari, you've been a naughty girl." Bellroc spoke as Nari grunted. "You are coming back with us." Bellroc walked closer to the two as Douxie trapped her with the unscrewed seats and poles. However, both Arcane Order members freed themselves with their magic as Bellroc growled, "You cannot hide from us forever!"

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