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*disclaimer: this chapter switches pov's a lot!*

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*disclaimer: this chapter switches pov's a lot!*

october 16th, 1992.

denver, colorado.

11:37 PM

my boyfriend (micah) was driving me home from the movie theater, we were spending our 2 year anniversary today.

micah turns down the volume while hi-five plays as he's driving, he then askes me ...

micah - vonshay *he says as he looks at me for a swift second*

vonshay - hmm ? * i say as i raise my eyebrow*

micah - do you think we'll have a family one day ?

vonshay - hmmm, i don't know ... i don't want any kids

micah chuckles as he added on

micah - just one atleast ... just me, you & micah jr out in the hills of LA.

vonshay - why the baby gotta be named after you ? *i say as i look at him*

micah - we gotta continue the legacy.

i slightly smirks as i look out the window of the passenger seat.

vonshay - what makes you wanna move to LA ?

micah - that's where all the superstars live.

micah suddenly starts to slow down leading to the red light at the corner of the street.

vonshay - you ain't no superstar *i say as i look over at him*

micah - not yet, when i make it to the NBA i promise you i'm moving us to LA. *he says as we make eye contact*

vonshay - i believe you, just keep your promise.

micah - you know i will.

he then pulls me in for a kiss, he then adds on this.

micah - i love you vonshay.

vonshay - i love you too, micah.

the light then turns green, we both have slight smirks on our face as he begins to pull off driving straight, a car suddenly comes flying down the street the car just kept going & wouldn't stop. micah then sees the car & tries to swerve over trying to avoid the car hitting his, the car's headlights were pretty bright .. the car then hits the driver side of micah's car.


vonshay then wakes up & tries to wake up micah, his head was slit open while she has an arm injury with a massive headache.

vonshay - micah .. *she says in panic as she tries to wake him up*

he then whispers "vonshay", as he coughs up blood from a broken tooth.

vonshay - micah, stay with me baby please! *she says as she begins to cry in panic*

micah - if i die vonshay tell my mom i love her *he says in pain*

vonshay - don't talk like that micah, we're gonna make it ... i promise you. *she says as she softly puts her hand on his face as tears run down her face*

the police & ambulance comes seconds later, as they pull vonshay & micah out the car some other paramedics were pulling the man that hit them out his car, he was a brown haired middle aged man with a short beard. they put them in an ambulance, as vonshay was holding micah's hand she begins to pray for him to make it through.

they then make it to the hospital in about 7 minutes, they rush micah into the emergency room as he was unconscious, vonshay tries to go with him but the nurses told her to stay back, she begins to panic as one of the nurses took her into a room to get her checked out. vonshay had a cut on the right side of her forehead causing the massive headache, her arm injury was caused due to her being slammed into the car door.


1:17 AM

vonshay calls her parents & micah's mom, micah's mom arrives at the hospital. as they were sitting in the waiting room, the doctor comes out & says this.

doctor - is anyone here a family member of micah jackson ? *she says as she walks into the waiting room with a clipboard & papers*

micah's mom then proceeds to get up.

wanda - iam his mother, is he alright ??

doctor - he's in a coma at the moment.

vonshay - can we see him ?

doctor - yes, follow me.

they then follow the doctor to the room he was in, he had a tube in his mouth, they stitched up the slit on his forehead & wrapped it in bandages, there was a neck brace on him supporting his neck from any other injuries. as vonshay stands over him she says this.

vonshay - baby please make it through, you can't leave me here alone ... i love you micah i really do. *vonshay cries out*

before vonshay leaves to give his mother some time to talk to him she kisses micah on his right cheek, as she walks away she hugs his mom & his mom kisses her on her forehead comforting her pain. vonshay walks out the room to see her mother & father in the waiting room, they see the pain in vonshays eyes, her mother gets up & hugs her very tight, vonshay begins to break down ...

the next morning micah was pronounced dead due to his injuries.

they held his funeral the week after he died, vonshays last words to him was "you'll be always in my heart" as she kisses him one last time.


August 30th, 1993

months go by, vonshays parents decided to move to Richmond, California. leading to vonshays mother finding a new job, it's vonshays 1st day of her senior year. all she could think about is micah, & how he will never see her walk across the stage ... vonshay had went into a deep depression after micah's death, all she wanted was for him to come back.


the new school she was attending was called "De Anza High School", her father drops her off at school. she walks into the school & sees a lot of different faces, her first class was world history, she walks to the classroom but she's a little late due to her not knowing where to go, as she walks in everyone looks at her. she walks over to the teachers desk that sat infront of the classroom.


mr.mcclain - hello, what's your name ?

vonshay - vonshay, vonshay morris. *she says with a little fear in her voice*

two boys were sitting infront of the teachers desk staring at vonshay.


jason - she's fly yo, whatchu think silkk ? *he whispers*

vyshonn - she fine, i'd hit. *he whispers back*

they both begin to chuckle.

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