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"For now, we will go through these together so that you can take the first step in your partnership!" I felt my stomach flip a little bit after hearing these words, realizing I would actually have to play this role with another guy and possibly embarrass myself irreversibly. But I felt a lot better when Ezra quietly moved his knee to touch mine, seemingly checking if I was okay. I pushed back, attempting to communicate that I am and continued to listen to Ms. Lindsey.

"Okay, hopefully these won't take too much longer so that you guys can head back soon to get into your schedule for today but if it does, that's okay too. These papers matter and please make sure to speak up when you need to include something." We nodded as she opened the folder and took out yet another paper packet, this time the paper being a light pink. Ezra and I both leaned forward to read over the front paper when she slid it over to us. I took my pen and filled out the parts for the submissive's name and signature and he did the same.

"Uh... so do these cover... you know? Intimate stuff?" I turned pink as he calmly asked this question to Ms. Lindsey, whose expression didn't change as she nodded in response. "That, of course, is entirely optional and we don't ever have to include that if anyone is uncomfortable with it. But I will remind you that it becomes mandatory as soon as you two engage in any sexual activity. That's not up for discussion, and it's not any kind of punishment but it is vital if you want to follow the rules." We both said okay, and I wondered if the bathroom incidents count as sexual activity.

If Ezra was wondering the same he didn't show it. We flipped to the second page and I inwardly sighed at the amount of questions that were ahead of us. We went through each question altogether, with Ms. Lindsey reading each one out loud and explaining what it means and whether or not we have to answer it.

Ezra's rules for Jasper:

- always eat your food at each meal, and listen when I ask you to eat something.

-don't yell at me or hit me, talk to me if you're upset.

-don't wander off without me or a leader knowing where you are, and respond when I text you.

-do not be rude or unkind to others.

-if you are uncomfortable, let me know.

-tell me the truth

-your bed time is 10:00 on weeknights, and 11:00 or 12:00 on weekends, depending what headspace you're in.

Ezra's punishments for Jasper:

-time out

-privilege taken away

-apology letter/writing lines


-(last resort) spanking

Ezra's rewards for Jasper:

-extra sweets

-later bedtime

-trip to the playground

Ezra asked me about each of these, and I agreed on all of them. As for the punishments I mostly said okay because I probably wouldn't ever need them.

Jasper's rules for Ezra:

-don't yell at me or hit me

-don't purposely embarrass me

-hear me out when I ask

-don't share private information

-tell me the truth

After a while we had it all filled out, with it basically saying it was a new trial period and that because I was new to everything we would take it slow and rely on assistance from our classes and other leaders or caregivers. I decided that this was okay, since I don't like the idea of it only being Ezra telling me everything I need to know.

By the time we signed everything and said goodbye to Ms. Lindsey, we only had about fifteen minutes left of breakfast. We walked slowly to the cafeteria, enjoying the silence and comfortable atmosphere.

"Excited for classes?" He asked this mostly sarcastically and I shook my head, smiling. When we entered the cafeteria, Darien was immediately looking at me until we sat back down. "So, are you guys a thing officially?" I felt my ears burn as I nodded along with Ezra, who looked very proud. "Congrats." Jayden nodded his head at us, continuing along with his breakfast. Darien gave me a look, seeming to say that we would be talking more later. I nodded at him and poked around my food as Ezra started talking about something to the others. We continued talking for the rest of the lunch period before the whistle was blown and I awkwardly said goodbye to Ezra. They both walked away to their line and we walked to ours, which had more people in it than yesterday by about 15 boys.

"Alrighty, I'm going to read off today's schedule so please listen up:" Ms Sammy held up her clipboard and began reading:

Littles class

Outside time (some will be pulled for meeting with therapists)


Dom and littles class or littles class pt. 2 (depends on if you have a Dom)

Group therapy

I stopped listening when I felt a poke on my arm. I turned to see Darien with the same cheeky smile to which I smirked back, waiting for him to ask the inevitable. "So, what happened?" He whispered to me and I whispered back, "It took forever. We had to fill out all of these forms and stuff. But now we have like these rules and stuff... for each other?" He nodded, in slight thought. "Well, yeah, the whole dynamic depends on rules. It wouldn't work without them. Some doms are really strict, though." I nodded, thinking back to what Ezra had set for me. "Ours aren't that bad. He's chill, which I expected." He nodded, probably in agreement about Ezra before a thought entered my mind with a grin.

"Jayden, on the other hand..." I wiggled my eyebrows at him suggestively, to which his smile dropped and he turned a light shade of pink. "Shut up..." He lightly pushed me and I held back a laugh as Ms. Sammy led us out of the cafeteria and through the lobby all the way outside the building on the winding paths.

--So sorry for not updating as much, I've been rlly stuck on it plus lack of motivation and a lot of stuff going on.---

Retreat (ddlb)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora