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the pop singer

DANI LYNCH !!the pop singer

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full name. daniella claire lynch
preferred name. daniella/dani
pen name. dani lynch
nicknames. dani, elle, ella
age. 19
gender. female
pronouns. she/her/hers
sexuality. bisexual
faceclaim. gracie abrams

backstory. dani grew up as the oldest daughter of a lawyer and a drummer. her parents had three children and loved the three of them immensely, there was rarely any favoritism shown within the family. dani absolutely adored her younger siblings, and the three are still extremely close to this day. her father, who was a lawyer, taught her how to be a good person and how to have reason. her mother, who was a drummer for a small band, gave her the love for music that she still carries with her to this day. dani is very close with both her mother and father, along with her two siblings. 

personality. dani is an extremely bright spirit. she's someone that thrives in a group of people, and that's very evident from how she acts at her concerts. she's lively and she likes to live in the moment, not really caring about what happens tomorrow, just about what happens today. she's someone who loves to be outside, and especially loves to be at the beach. dani has worked hard to get to where she's gotten with her music. she's kind of smiley, not like super smiley but whenever she's happy she has a really wide grin on her face. she's a hopeless romantic and her favorite genre of music to write has always been love songs, but she's never really had anyone to write them about. 

austin lynch (father, 44, alive)
emma lynch (mother, 44, alive)
jenny lynch (sister, 17, alive)
matthew lynch (brother, 15, alive)

job. singer, specifically pop
likes. the beach, reading romance books, writing love songs, cats, sharks, getting new piercings, small tattoos, her guitar, iced mocha's, sunflowers
dislikes. being alone, sunburns, hot coffee, sunglasses that fall off your face, being laughed at, people insulting her family, the color neon yellow

possible love interest tropes . singer!gf x actor!bf, hopeless romantic x has given up on love, friends to lovers, oblivious love

social media handles .
instagram & twitter - daniellalynch
tiktok - danilynch
spam tiktok - daniiiii
snapchat - daniellalynch

why did they agree to the show? as said before, dani is a huge hopeless romantic but she's never really had a real relationship that's lasted 

bonus trivia .
- dani has two cats, named romeo & juliet
- she currently lives in an apartment in nyc but would love to move to the beach
- she's recorded two studio albums
- her favorite flower is sunflowers

playlist . to be added <3

the actor

AIDEN HAYES !!the actor

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full name. aiden elliot hayes
preferred name. aiden
pen name. n/a
nicknames. i mean if you come up with one you can call him it?
age. 23
gender. male
pronouns. he/him/his
sexuality. bisexual
faceclaim. drew starkey

backstory. aiden grew up as an only child with a single father that did his absolute best to raise him. his father worked as a therapist and raised aiden with every single thing he had. aiden's mother died giving birth to him, so it was always just him and his dad. his father worked extra hours to provide for aiden, and he tried to make aiden the best person he possibly could. he's very close with his father, to this day. but he's also close with his aunt, who stepped in and filled the space his mom left the best she could. she was there when his dad couldn't be, and the two of them raised aiden the best they could.

personality. one word to describe aiden would definitely be sarcastic. he tends to use sarcasm to deflect the things that are happening around him, and his father did the same thing, so he probably got it from him. aiden might not always show it, but he's extremely kind, he would never purposefully do something to hurt someone else, and he doesn't like seeing other people hurt. he's an extremely hard worker and he takes his job really seriously, but he also knows how to have fun on set when it's time. he's sweet, and he knows how to comfort people really well (another thing he learned from his father). 

jonathan hayes (father, 43, alive)
carrie hayes (mother, would be 43, deceased)
jenna hayes (aunt, 41, alive)

job. actor
likes. dogs, old records, comfortable sweaters, hiking, his job, horror movies, 80's music, wearing chains & earrings, the sound of rain on pavement
dislikes. the dark, action movies, country music, itchy sweaters, not feeling like he's good enough, talking about his mother and what happened to her

possible love interest tropes. best friends to lovers, grumpy x sunshine, everyone can see it but them

social media handles.
instagram & twitter - aidenhayes
tiktok - hayes.aiden
snapchat - aidennhayes

why did they agree to the show? he's been too busy with work to focus on finding love, but he would really like to find someone

bonus trivia. 
- he has a dog named sirius (after sirius black)
- he loves horror movies and has been in a few
- he currently lives in la
- he has his ears pierced

playlist. to be added <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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