Start from the beginning

"Especially with all we've heard about the Ministry running these Snatcher squads," George added.

"Yes, for all those who haven't heard, the Ministry has licensed so called 'Snatchers' to hunt down and bring in anyone who is deemed to be 'Undesirable'," Lee explained.

"Well, that wouldn't be us then, would it?" George said. "I mean, we've both had loads of girlfriends."

"It must be those cute little cheeks and whiskers, Tentacula," Fred said, grinning.

"That's right, Rapier!"

"So, to all those who find themselves being unjustly labeled 'Undesirable', we here at Potterwatch salute you!" Lee said. "And to all those people who really are Undesirable —"

Fred coughed. "Dolores Umbridge!"

George coughed. "Malfoy!"

"— your time will come," Lee finished.

They finished off the broadcast and June stayed a bit longer to talk to the guys — it was one of the times she was able to forget the war for a moment. Then the moment came she had to get back home and June'd say her goodbyes before Apparating towards the beach house.

Juniper headed inside and immediately noticed something was off.

Both Nymphadora and Andromeda were sitting on the couch, crying. Remus and Charlie tried to console them, but it didn't seem to help. The two women clung onto each other and looked up when June entered.

She opened her mouth — wanting to ask what's wrong, but something in Andromeda's eyes made her scared to ask. As long she didn't ask, they wouldn't tell and she wouldn't know.

And Ted Tonks would still be alive.


"LET'S TAKE A MOMENT TO REPORT those deaths that the Wizarding Wireless Network News and Daily Prophet don't think important enough to mention," Lee's voice came through the radio. June was sitting on the porch, staring at the sea, the radio standing next to her on the floor. "It is with great regret that we inform our listeners of the murders of Ted Tonks and Dirk Cresswell."

A tear slipped over her cheek and fell onto her knee.

"Can I join you?"

June rubbed her eyes before looking up to see Andromeda standing next to her.

"Of course." She turned the radio off and petted the free space next to her.

Andromeda sat down and gave June's knee a comforting squeeze.

"How are you doing?" the older witch asked her.

"I never thanked him for being like a father to me," June whispered. "I never thanked you for being like a mother to me." She looked at Andromeda, tears welling up in her eyes. "Thank you. For everything."

Andromeda tucked a strand of black hair behind June's ear. "You do not need to thank us, June. You are our daughter. It does not matter we're not your biological parents. Ted loved you so much and so do I."

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