Safe in My Arms

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On this particular late night, Chimon was at Perth's place to just hangout with his buddy and watch a movie. They sat and watched an older American movie, Scarface, which features one of Perth's favorite actors. Chimon hadn't watched it before so they did this together with some drinks and light snacks. But while the movie was showing a huge rainstorm moved in. By the end of the movie it was already 21:00 (9pm) and it was pouring rain outside.

They both stood at the large window looking out at the heavy downpour and the lightning in the distance. "It might be too dangerous for you to drive home now. It's dark and the roads will be very wet and slick" Perth said in a calm tone.

"You don't mind if I wait here until the storm passes?"

Perth smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Of course not. That's the best option."

"It's getting late are you sure it won't be a problem?" Chimon asked while he looked at his watch.

Perth then stepped closer and put a hand on the older ones shoulder. "I promise it's no worries at all. I want you to be safe. And it's definitely safer here than it would be to drive home with these conditions."

Chimon looked to Perth and nodded. Soon they were in Perth's bedroom and relaxed on his bed while they were glued to their phones. Before they knew it, it was already 22:30 (10:30pm) and Chimon began yawning.

With another long yawn Perth looked over to Chimon. "I can still hear the rain outside. I don't think it's going to stop any time soon. Do you wanna just stay here for the night? It's no problem at all." He asked.

Chimon looked over to him with some hesitation in his expression. "I don't want to bother you?"

"Stop Chi, I want you to. I wouldn't ask in the first place if I thought it would be a bother," Perth replied with surety in his voice. "Won't you stay?"

Chimon nodded and looked around the room. Noticing this, Perth quickly popped up from the bed and looked to his wardrobe. He sifted through some clothes and picked out an ashy gray shirt, a black graphic tee, and two pairs of black shorts. He threw them on the bed beside Chimon. "You can choose from those options to change into and sleep in tonight. I'll wear the ones you don't want," Perth said.

Soon they were both ready for bed. "I'll sleep on this left side and you can take the other half," Perth said as he unfolded the slightly wrinkled blanket. Then Chimon gladly bounced onto the bed and rolled under the blanket. They had slept beside each other many times before so it was no problem to do this again.

After a few more minutes they put their phones away and laid in bed for the night. Chimon rolled from his side to his back then pushed the blanket halfway off.

Perth glanced over to him, "are you able to lay comfortably?"

"Mhmm" was all Chimon replied. Then he laid on his right side with his arm under a pillow and his left arm tugging at the loose fabric of his shirt.

They turned towards each other, only a few inches apart. Perth gazed into his eyes, but Chimon quickly shifted his gaze away. He instead looked at the tiny stubble of black hair on Perth's chin because he's too shy to make direct eye contact.

Perth smirked at his visible shyness. He obviously knows that his dear friend becomes shy with eye contact because Chimon has admitted to it several time before, either during filming, interviews, or events. Then, he moved his head just the tiniest bit closer so that their foreheads were only three centimeters apart.

Chimon didn't move away, but stayed still with his consistent breathing. Although his eyes fluttered shut due to his growing shyness.

Perth then moved his right hand from on top of the blanket at his hip towards Chimon. He very slowly and softly grazed the knuckles of Chimon's hand that was clutching his shirt. His skin was silky and radiated a pleasant warmth.

"P'Mon," he said in a gentle tone.


Perth gulped loudly and touched Chimon's  hand with his index finger. He very softly glided his finger up Chimon's arm to his shoulder and poked his cheek. This small teasing poke made Chimon smile and open his eyes. He looked up to finally meet his nong's gaze.

Perth then cupped this left side of his face. His fingers sat on Chimon's cheek and jawline. "P'Mon, you're so cute. So cute, so cute, so cute, so cute," he said in a gentle tone.

Chimon didn't say anything but he did smile sweetly at him. Then he bit his lower lip as he continued looking to Perth.

Next Perth moved his face closer, tenderly pressed their foreheads together, with their noses lightly touching.

They both took a deep breath, breathing in the same air. Chimon closed his eyes again and relaxed his hand which fell from his shirt to the bed.

Perth also shut his eyes as he breathed in the hot air circulating between them. Chimon then moved even closer, their noses grazing against each other and their lips less than a centimeter apart. "Perth..." he said in a breathy tone. Then Perth made a noise that was almost a soft grunt, but it wasn't clear.

Again, "Perth." But then Chimon pressed his lips against Perth's. They both leaned into the kiss with their lips moving against each in a moment of irresistible affection. Chimon's hand then attached to Perth's shirt and wandered to grab his waist over the blanket.

Once Perth felt a hand on his body he scooted his hips towards Chimon's. And his gentle hold onto the side of Chimon's face tightened just a bit as he tried to pull him even further into the kiss.

As they continued, their lips parted a little more with each movement. After a long kiss they pulled their lips away, breathing heavily as they tried to catch their breath. But they didn't move out of each other's grip, they looked at each other. Finally, they locked eyes, absorbing the warm affection they had for each other.

"Chimon..." Perth began as he wrapped his right leg over Chimon's left leg. "I...I am so glad you stayed with me," he said. Chimon smiled to him and looked back to his lips. Perth noticed this and quickly pecked his Phi on the tip of his nose.

Chimon's face flushed and he leaned back onto Perth's forehead. Chimon whispered, "I'm speechless, Tanapon." They both closed their eyes and breathed in each other's breath.

Perth then moved his arm from Chimon's face to his back, embracing him. He wanted to say more but there was just silence as the held one another, breathed each other in, and listened to the rain against the window.

A/N: now that I'm uploading this, it sort of reminding me of my previous work "My Home." Hopefully it's not too similar, if you read both.

Anyway, I'm not sure if the story should go on. Comment and let me know if I should continue or let this be a oneshot.

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