Betrayed Boyz

Karasu: rise and shine babes, we still have someone to interrogate 😊

Otoya: I'm actually planning on going to uni early when I remember that I stayed at uni dorms...

Shidou: today is the day when, we will know who "baby" is

Traitor sent a photo (Yoichi's back while cooking with a slight face that can be seen since it was looking at the side.)
Traitor: it's my baby brother you fucktards😝

Karasu: .....

Otoya: did we just got catfish???

Shidou: give him to me man, the other two isn't interested but I am😍
:shawty looks so presentably expensive😍😍😍
:why didn't you tell me you have a younger brother? I could have settle to him
:what's his socmed???

Traitor: No❤️ even if I were to tell you, he doesn't have socmed so suffer HAHAHAHAHA

Karasu: nah I ain't believing you bro
:you're just gatekeeping him

Otoya: what he said^^^

Traitor: I ain't joking.
:I even try to make my other friends to strike up a conversation with him, and what did he do?
:he nearly humiliate them because of his lack of knowledge in social skill 😭😭
:if he doesn't want to talk, he won't

Shidou: I can have him!
:I'm a masochist 😛

Karasu: what in the god damn?

Otoya: 👁️👄👁️
:omaygawd! what is that!? what is that!?

Traitor: anyways! see all later! breakfast is served!

Otoya: if that's how you are treated by your baby brother...
:mom I want that too!

Karasu: we could only wish and cry😞

Shidou: I called dibs first!

Karasu: whatever you said fuck brain...

"Are you going early?" Aiku said eating his breakfast, watching Yoichi check his shoulder bag if he has everything he needed. "Mhm, but don't worry, I'll wait for you to finish your breakfast, I'll do the dishes." Aiku chuckle to his brother, surely Yoichi claimed the ownership of the kitchen, but he can do dishes, it's not that hard anyways.

"Don't be. I can do the dishes, go now, sho sho."  Aiku said with a hand gesture. Yoichi stare at him confused but still do what his brother told him. "He's so clueless. What will happen to him if someone tried to strike up a conversation to him." said, sipping on his coffee, "Do I need to worry about that? I mean he brought a book about manners when talking to others." he laughed one more time, then decided to finish his breakfast.

He did the dishes first before taking a shower. Finally getting ready, he went out to their garage to take out his baby, which is his motorcycle. "How I missed driving you." wear his helmet, start his bike and ready to go. "Let's have some fun this school year too."

In Yoichi's case, he was surprised to see a lot of people this early, he could guess that most of the students were staying at university dorm. He went and go to park his bike to the corner where it's not that visible to naked eyes. His brother send him a snap of their University's map. With his spatial awareness, he might get lost once or twice but it is easy to memorize the route.

The first thing he did was to go to the library. It might be the only place where less people and more quite, that why he went there. He expected the right one, he wondered that maybe because it's still early that why it has less people. He list his name as it was needed said by the librarian.

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