ammends and a memory

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It was like treading on thin ice. Eric watched his every move, careful to not strike another action worthy of him being tested again. He'd crack under the stress and give up if he was. Six months and a lot of things changed. Allison was gone, but Rigg was still around. He let Eric spend a while with him until he got it all in order, his life to be exact.

He knew it would gain him attention too, the whole being captive for six months after his testing and then being put in a life threatening situation. Eric didn't want that. So he kept as quiet as he could.

Today was.. A particularly hard day however.

Normally, it'd be his week with Daniel. But he didn't know if he was alive, or okay. He'd do anything to see him again, but he himself knew that he wasn't ready in a way. Like it'd only hurt him.

A heavy sigh tore itself from his throat. He wanted it to be back to normality, honestly. Eric hobbled down the street on the crutches, why did that doctor have a vivid place in his mind? He had neatly cut blonde hair, an accent that stood out and two beautiful yet dull grey-ish blue eyes..

Stop. He's stopping himself right there. He can't even think of another man like that, it was immoral.. Right?

Eric snaps himself from his thoughts, eyes glazing over towards the school. He knew that school, his son attended it.

"I just.. I think I should go back to mom's early," The boy shrugged, hands buried deep in his pocket.

"What did you say?" His father responded, a harsh and annoyed tone seeping into his voice.

"What are you, deaf?" He snorted. "I said I think I should go back to mom's-"

"Well then go!"


The deafening silence won't stop,

"Jesus.." The boy's gone, walking off in a huff.

Eric's eyes soften at the memory. Talk about a freight train hitting him. He can't help but feel some remote bit of remorse for how he acted. So harsh, towards his own son nonetheless. He could hear the chatter of students and his eyes darted around for somewhere to hide. He wasn't ready to see him, not yet.

The man shakily wobbled into a nearby building, which for his luck just so happened to be his old partner's apartment complex. He peers out the door, catching sight of the students going over to the school. Another heavy sigh.

"Can I help you, sir?" A blonde woman spoke from behind him and he jumped.

He was nervous. Who wouldn't be after everything that happened?

"Nono.. Just looking.."

"Sir, you can't loiter around here,"

"Right, right.. Sorry."

He hobbles to the door again and leaves. He never understood how Kerry could manage with the people who worked there, they were cold and snappy (Sound familiar?) towards people, even if their job were to be even remotely respectful.

The streets were near empty; the students must've just finished break.

History was Daniel's next class. He knew that. The poor boy couldn't do history to save his ass.

A soft chuckle escapes Eric and he heads somewhere else. His old apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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