figuring it out

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Getting better. Was he even 'ill' or wrong in the first place? The former detective felt a heavy sigh tear its way from his chest. It'd been a week or so since he was released.. Or found, to put it in a better way. He was honestly just wandering around, calling out with a croaky and ruined voice for his son, Daniel.

He was released after a former co-worker, Rigg, found him in a trap made by Jigsaw or one of his apprentices; he'd never know, but he didn't bother to care. He was safe now, right?

Now here he was. He was sat in a hospital bed, waiting for them to discharge him or anything. Eric was told they'd try to get in contact with family, but he protested. He didn't think he had any left, his son could be dead for all he knew. And their last conversation was their argument.

He feels regret. So much regret. His one and only son, possibly dead with the last ever memory of his father and him arguing.

Eric's thoughts were interrupted by a doctor coming into the hospital room.

"Well, Matthews," They started. "You're free to go.. The hospital will provide you with crutches for your broken foot and will send the bill to your mail."

He silently nodded. The doctor went over to another side of the room, coming back over with plain crutches and handing them to him.

"Thanks, I guess." Eric mumbles, nodding his head in thanks and shakily getting up.

"Do you need to use a phone to contact a-"

"I'll be fine." He interrupts, hastily hobbling out with the crutches.

Better. He needed to get better, he needed to better himself. How could he do that? How could he better himself? Well, he could.. Apologise to the families of those he wrongfully arrested, resign from his job.. Finally give his divorce papers over. There was a lot. He could start with the easiest thing first: His job.

Or, he could go even easier, get a haircut.

With his six months of captivity, his hair grew out. Would it just be easier if he did it himself? Get a razor to his head and cut off all his hair? It would be the least of his worries.

Then it struck him. Worries. There was so much he had to worry about. Being alone, what if they thought he was taking his life for granted? Hurting someone, what if they thought it was a valid reason to test him again? His family, would he see them ever? Mainly Daniel, he didn't know if he was okay, the last he saw him was on those damn monitors.

That day ruined his life.

Everything was destroyed on that day.

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