*three more people appear in the room*

Hadrian: Great, more people to deal with.. I hope there's no dog around.. how I hate those.

Sophos: Hey, I love dogs! You sound like a loser, honestly. Looks like one, too.

Rafaella: Talk trash about my brother and you'll be sorry.

Sophos: I'm sooo scared. *in a bored tone*

Victoria: Who's she? *points to Marigold, another oc* And I guess that man is her boyfriend or husband?

Virgil: Shut up.

Victoria: *grins* You talking to yourself?

Mara: Meet Marigold and Kieran, created by me if a friend.. Or I don't know... helper? Of Rafal's survived!

*Sophos, Hadrian, and Victoria stare at the guests*

Armand: How many people are we going to see? And is this some sort of party?

Mara: I'll explain later. We have a few more special guests!

Marigold: Hello! It's nice to meet all of you! I'm Princess Marigold, and this is my friend, Kieran. Well, he did work as my guard before we went off to school. I assume you are royalty, too? *eyes Sophos and Hadrian, smiling*

Sophos: I guess. According to what.. Uh, what's her face said, you are the daughter of my father's "ex?" Not that he had any romantic feelings for him, but–

Victoria: Sophos, kindly keep your mouth closed.

Sophos: Hey–

Hadrian: Who are your father and mother, Sophos? I don't know about your home. You say you know about the Storian?

Sophos: Are you dumb? I'm the son of the literal Witch of Woods Beyond and the tragic Rafal. ...

Hadrian: There's no way that's possible. You would have to be me.

Sophos: Huh?

Victoria: *barely able to keep from laughing* So this was the whole alternate universe thing you were saying?

Mara: Yeah, I guess. Also, I'm not what's her face. I'm Mara! Are you so rude as to not ask for a name?

Virgil: So, what? I thought Sophos had no living siblings.

Sophos: I'd hate to agree with him, but I thought the same. Unless my mother was with another man. I don't think I have that *points to Hadrian's eyes* in my family.

Victoria: Sophos, that looked and sounded rude.

Sophos: I'm just trying to tell the truth! Nobody in my family has one green eye or one blue eye like that! It's actually interesting, if you ask me.

Hadrian: I just think you're lying.

Sophos: *laughs* Lying is not my go-to vice, dumbass.

Rafaella: Stop calling him names!

Hadrian: You always call me names, Rafaella.

Armand: Can we just go on with this?

Mara: Right. So basically– wait, we have two more people! Special guests, who aren't a part of your world at all!

Kieran: Oh shoot. That sounds.. Exciting.

Sophos: You sound just like Victoria, to be honest.

Victoria: How so?

*two people appear in the room*

Mara: Lastly, meet Philomena and Matthew, residents of Antarctica and a part of the future!

Everyone else: WHAT???

Mara: They're my creations based on some alternate story of The Scarlet Pimpernel. Sort of genderbends.

Philomena: You can just call me Mena. Aaand I have no idea why I'm here..Are you aliens?

Sophos: We could be.. Are we even legal?

Marigold: That is a good question..

Kieran: Can we just stop talking right now?

Mara: Matthew looks too confused to say anything so I'll just explain! Basically, you'll all be in this house for a certain amount of time, and every day, you'll be watched by cameras. The last man standing is the winner, and he or she receives a prize of a lot of money.

Marigold: How much?

Mara: $1,000,00! At least for my currency. And your supporters get half of that, if you have any.

Victoria: So what do we have to do?

Mara: There'll be some challenges and so forth you can do together. Try to be peaceable and work together. Give yourself no reason to be voted out.

Victoria: *eyeing Sophos* Yeah, give yourself no reason to get kicked out.

Hadrian: Hope Armand gets eliminated first.

Sophos: Virgil should go first. Armand looks decent.

Hadrian: I–

Sophos: We all know your eyes are unique. *gives a patronizing smile*

Marigold: Can we not be mean?

Philomena: I'm stuck with all these teens?? Well I never.

Mara: *walks towards the door* Okay, I'll be off now! Remember the game. Play nice!

*leaves as I hear too much talking all at once*

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