Chapter 1

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A mission gone horribly wrong, a big betrayal, and finally the death of his colleague and friend caused Ghost to leave military life behind. Stumbling through countless bars in areas that got progressively worse with each passing day.

Reaching his lowest low - for now. He found himself in a rundown inn, a sleazy man sitting down on the bar stool next to him. Making him an offer he couldn't refuse, and in all honesty, he wasn't in the financial position to turn down any job opportunity.

What options did he have? Unsure about his place in this world, and if there had even been one, it was certainly in the shadows. So why not do the only thing he was ever good at? Killing, now for money, instead of a bigger, seemingly greater good.

It was supposed to be a quick job. Shouldn't take him longer than a week. Abducting the wife of a known gambler who took a loan from the wrong people. If the guy paid off his debt in time, he'd get you back in one piece, and if he couldn't... Well, then he'd get your hands in a pretty cardboard box while Ghost had to dispose of the rest of your body.

This wasn't Ghost's first abduction - hell, it wasn't even the first one this month, but it was definitely the weirdest one so far. Instead of screaming for help or trying to free yourself out of his grip and run away, you just let him drag you to his van. Calmly, as if this was just a casual Monday for you.

Mumbling something about the size of his hands as he tied you up.

Even after he was driving for a while, there still wasn't a single scream coming from you. Just silence. It was unsettling, and Ghost checked the camera he had installed in the back of the van way more often than he usually did. Only to see you sitting there, arms wrapped around your knees, wrists bound together. Playing with the loose threads of your ripped jeans as if you were sitting in a waiting room.

"Can we get McDonalds?"

Your voice barely reached Ghost through the solid metal of the bulkhead that separated you and him. No begging to be let free, not questioning who he was, not even asking where he was taking you. Something was really off with you.

"No," he yelled back, slightly bewildered.

Silence again. For 10 minutes, until your voice could be heard again, this time a bit more secure.

"I won't call for help or anything, I promise. I just want chicken nuggets and fries, please."

"And sweet'n'sour sauce."

Usually, a No from Ghost was a No, and everyone who tried to argue with that could prepare himself to meet his God if Ghost had a bad day. But after you had pestered him with your wish for fast food a second time, Ghost himself felt a slight craving for a cheeseburger or two. That was the only reason he looked for the nearest McDonalds on his phone, certainly not your annoying pleas.

You kept your promise. Not a single sound came from you while Ghost placed his order. It was only 10 minutes after he had left the parking lot, that he heard a soft "Thank you" coming from behind him. As if you wanted to make sure that no one was near before you spoke up again.

A part of him wanted to yell something along the lines of "Why do you think I got something for you," but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He already regretted taking on this job. Killing nice people was so draining. He preferred the assholes that spat in his face; putting a bullet in their heads was certainly more fun.

You were trouble. He could sense it, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up whenever he thought about the fact that he had to spend a whole week with you.

It was slightly concerning to admit, but this wasn't your first abduction. Your husband had a habit of angering the wrong people and because this world is unfair, you were the one who had to deal with the consequences of his irresponsibility.

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