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(Jayda's POV)

I raced down the corridor, bag in hand. First day and I'm already late. There was an accident near my house which led the buses to a 20 minute delay.

Okay, I wasn't late late. But I wanted to make a good impression, sixth form is serious and I shouldn't be turning up 'on time'. Because when you're 'on time' - you're late.

I was speed walking and checking the time as I went, making sure I made my way to the sixth form entrance. It was 8:13 and I only had 2 minutes to get myself sorted out before the bell rang and they officially started the day.

Calling Nana, I had my eyes fixed on the ringing call on my phone before I hit a hard surface and saw my screen drop out of my hand and fall to the ground. Everything seemed like it was out of my control and my life was on autopilot. A tall darkskinned boy bent down in front of me to pick it up and hand it to me. "Ohh, shit." He said.

"Thanks," I said dryly, grabbing my phone before breezing past him again. I was pissed. Not only was my screen cracked but it was now 8:14. "Sorry bout that yeah?" He yelled but I didn't bother to look back.

"Sis where were you?" Nana asked as she joined me in my speed walk to the auditorium.

"I was calling you?" I opposed.

"And what happened to your phone?" She asked.

"I bumped into some guy and it dropped." I kissed my teeth.

"D-do you know who?" She looked at me.

"Nah, and I don't care because I've had a long morning, and I have places to be. I don't care about these guys I've got a future to prepare for." I waffled.

"Oh okay." She laughed. Nothing was funny. I've technically had a morning from hell. Whatever weapons that have formed against me this morning will not prosper In Jesus name I send them back to sender.

We sat down in the auditorium just as when other people were coming in aswell. There were a lot of people in this sixth form, a lot of unfamiliar faces, and a few which I knew from my old secondary schools.

There was a bit of time before the assembly started, to welcome us to the school and into the new year. We were just talking to the girls sat behind us before the head teacher walked onto the stage and stood before the podium.

"We-" He started. The door at the top of the auditorium opened and about 6 boys walked in. Lanyards swinging from their pockets thinking that they were bad. It was so dark up the top you could barely even see their faces.

They were tall, heights ranging from around 5'10 to 6'5. The tallest one was lanky, with terrible posture and used his abnormally large hand to cover his face as he chuckled to himself. One of them coughed loudly and another one stacked as he entered the seating to sit down. A number of people entertained their immature behaviour, while I kissed my teeth. Embarrassing.

"Anyways.." Nana chuckled to herself.

"Good morning, year 12. And welcome to the school if you're new here." He started.

"I hope each and everyone of you had a great and relaxing summer after your GCSE's?" He said to which myself and some others groaned.

"Ohh don't remind me about it." Said one of the girls from behind me.

"Word I never wanna hear that word again." Another one added.

"Please, do me a favour and congratulate yourselves for working so hard, and also, beginning a new chapter of your lives. One which will open doors for your futures and adulthood." He went on. But before he could finish the boys started clapping loudly and cheering. And soon after everyone was applauding themselves, even me.

"I just want to let you all know that every single one of your teachers, and the school board and myself are supporting you all in every way, and will always be here to help you settle into your new lives at this school, and that's the same to those who went here before."

"Hmm, I bet." Said one of the girls behind me. I laughed, teachers are never supportive, they just get paid to do their jobs, only a few of them are actually passionate about their subjects.

"So don't be afraid to speak to any of us, our emails are always open." He smiled.

"Yeah that's what Mr Gooden told me." They stifled their laughs, me and Nana exchanged side eyes.

"What?" I turned around.

"You haven't heard about Mr Gooden?" One of them asked me.

"No..?" Nana said.

"You didn't hear about it like 4 years ago on the news?"

"Was it this school?" I exclaimed. People around started to look.

"Yessss. We'll tell you about it after." They said, and I turned around.

"So as much as you should work hard, don't forget to relax and take time for yourself." He said before closing.

As we left the hall, the two girls introduced themselves to us, they were twins, named Faith and Fendi. They've been at this school since year 7 and know practically everyone who came to sixth form here. I will never understand how people network like that, and remember names and faces too?

"So, how do you think these two years will go?" Faith asked me.

"Pleaseee, only time will tell." I laughed.

"Real." Nana sighed.

A/N: New year, new me. Which means I need to write more x
Anyways we're back babyyy, a new book & a new chapter, also, if you didn't read the title, this is a prequel to my other book: Completion (go read, and if you did, go read it again xo)
- I'm so excited for this book & i've wanted to write a sequel for a whileeee.

So stay tuned for more chapters because I promise to be consistent !!


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