"Dad says hi" Kalya puts her phone down, "He said he'll speak to you some other time Sil" she chirps sitting on James' lap, clearly unaware to her sisters feelings.

"Okay" Silver pushes a smile through on her face to hide the disappointment but not matter how convincing her smile is to the rest of the world I can tell she's upset.

"Well I'm gonna go get out of this dress" she jumps off the couch; a fake smile still plastered on her face and makes her way upstairs. Eventually everyone else follows suit and go up to their own rooms for the night as well as myself.


After showering I decided to go check up on Silver. I knock on her door lightly just incase she's sleeping.

"Come in" I hear her faintly through the door.

I open the door slowly to reveal Silver sat in the middle of her king size bed that makes her look tiny.

"Hey" She says smiling at me slightly

"Hey" I smile back

"What's up"?

"You know doing my nightly rounds" I say trying to make her laugh which I succeed in as she lets out a little chuckle.

"Nightly rounds?" she raises her eyebrows

"Yeah, don't know what you kids could be doing" I try to say seriously, "drugs, sex, watching porn" I gesture to her TV.

"I'm not watching porn," she squints her eye at me

"So what you watching" I ask

"Some chick flick, it just started, want to watch with me," she asks tilting her head; I can't help but smile at how adorable she looks. It's weird how she can go from a sexy smokin' hot women that I just want to pound into, to a cute sweet adorable girl that you just want to hold and protect and love. Fuck. The things this girl does to me.

Silver looks at me confused, I realize I haven't answered her yet, "yeah" I say quickly "sure"

She grins then stretches her hand to pull back a corner of her covers and pats the place next to her.

I smile back at her while walking over then crawling into her bed so we're sat shoulder to shoulder. She smiles at me once more before returning her attention to the TV. I look at her for a second longer before turning to the movie.

As the movie goes the two of us slowly starting to get tired, Silver slumps further into her bed as her head rests lightly on my shoulder while her head fits in the crook of my neck, her soft hair tickling my slightly. My head rests on top of hers and I take in her strawberry scent. Like that we both fall into a sweet slumbers.


Silver POV

I wake up to the morning light that comes through into my room. I rub my eye to adjust them to the blinding bright light and blink a few times. I attempt try to sit up but feels something keeping me down on my stomach. I look down see and arm thrown across me, the turn my head to see a sleeping Bradley lying on his stomach his head facing me, he must've fallen asleep here yesterday during the movie.

I study his peaceful face, his eyes shut softly, the long eyelashes resting on the edge of his lids, his pink lips parted slightly as light snores escape, the little freckles on his perfectly tanned face. I was tempted to pull my hand up and trace the lines on his face. OK I should get up. I turned my head back so I was staring at the ceiling; I let out a quiet sigh before reaching my hand over to his arm to lift it up enough to slip out of the bed. My hand wraps carefully around his arm and begins to lift slowly so I don't wake him. But my attempt fails as I fell him stiffen beside me a drop his arm and look and him as his eyes flutter open.

"Silver?" he says in his ever so sexy morning voice, his head lifts off the pillow slightly and he looks at me confuse.

"Eerr hey" I say smiling, "we fell asleep during the movie" I explain realizing he hasn't put it together yet.

"Oh" he say looking down at his pillow before pushing him self up with one arm and sliding the other off my stomach, "sorry" he mumbles before sitting on his knees.

I look up at his messy bed hair, his curls poking out in all different directions, he looks cute, "it's ok" I laugh a little sitting up, "nice hair"

His hand goes straight to his head, his figures run through his soft lock to tame them, "Hey I could say the same to you" he teases

I open my mouth to say something witty back but close it quickly realizing I probably do look a mess, "I apologize for my unpleasant appearance this morning" I say formally before laughing at myself.

"No I didn't mean," he says quickly, defending himself, "you look great" he pauses "beautiful" he whispers.

I stare at him not sure how to take the compliment that was obviously untrue, but was sweet of his to say. Our eyes lock for couple of seconds before I break it pushing my covers off to stand up off the bed, "I should go take a shower".

"Y-yeah" Bradley stutters before getting off the bed himself, "I'll get back to my room"

I nod and he turns around and walks out the room, looking back once more giving me a sheepish smile, which I return, and he closes the door behind him.

Silver Lining - Bradley Will Simpson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now