3;New Beginnings

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Later that night I returned home, very tipsy and very horny, I called one of the two guys I knew would answer. Nate Williams, he always had a thing for me but Jax would never allow us within a 2 meter distance of each other.
'Hey Nate,'I said through the phone.
'Emilie, what are you doing calling me at this time?' he asked.
'I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a little bit, you know just to hang out,'
'Of course I would, i'll be there in 20,' he told me.

20 minutes went by and he wasn't there, it was then that I heard shouting so I went outside to see what was going on.
To my horror it was Jax and Nate shouting at each other.
'What the fuck is going on?!' I shouted at the two of them.
'You know I was wondering that myself actually Millie. Why the fuck is he here?' Jax asked me angrily.
'She invited me here, unlike you just turning up without an invite, ever thought she doesn't want you Jackson?' Nate said, something changed in Jax's eyes in that moment as he stormed over to him and punched him in the mouth, knocking him off his feet holding his now bleeding lip.
Jax didn't stop his assault there though, he kept going at it.
'Jax fucking stop it!' I shouted at him multiple times until he finally stopped, Nate's face now unrecognisable.

'I cant believe you,' Jax said grabbing my arm and pulling me into the house and upstairs into my bedroom.
'What's so hard to believe?' I asked him.
'The fact that you were going to fuck him, of all people, him,' he stated angrily.
'You don't like that thought? Of his hands, touching me, all over my body, the same places yours have been?' I smirked running my fingers through his hair.
'Don't be a tease millie,' he told me.
'What are you going to do about it?' I grinned teasingly.

He quickly got a hold of my face and pulled me in for a rough kiss and slipped his tongue in my mouth, the both of us fighting for dominance. I eventually gave into him and we began pulling each others clothes off. He laid be down on the bed and placed kisses all the way down my body, until he reached my pussy. Abruptly he took two fingers and pushed them into me quickly, 'You're still so wet for me,' he smirked and continued pumping them in and out of me until my walls began clenching and I could feel my orgasm building up in my stomach, but before I came he stopped quickly.
'What the fuck?!' I asked him annoyed.
'Don't worry trouble, you'll finish,' he told me stroking my hair as he pulled his trousers down to reveal his very hard dick. God I missed that thing. Quickly and without warning he thrusted himself into me harshly I let out a loud moan and had to cover my mouth, careful not to wake the sleeping children. 'Fuck you're tight,' Jax growled as he continued harshly pounding into me, he slowed down and placed a kiss on my lips as we both came down from our highs.

I was laying on his chest as he stroked my hair peacefully, this was how it used to be, us just being comfortable around each other, feeling like it was only us two in the entire world. fuck what have I just done.

'You know it could be like this all the time Millie, just me and you,' he said.
'You mean me, you, lily, tommy, jayden and all you're other sluts, we've both got too much going on in our lives,' I told him.
'I don't care about any crow eaters, I only want you, I don't care what comes with having you as long as i got you,' he told me wrapping his arms around my torso and pulling me into him tighter.
'I don't know Jax, it all seems a bit much, I don't even have a job yet,'
'You'll find one, you graduated from Harvard Law it won't be hard,' he chuckled as if I was stupid for saying what I said. He doesn't get that it's not like that, I'd be badly overqualified for any job that I could get now, and I gotta work part time to watch the kids.
'Course it won't' I muttered.
'C'mon let's just get some sleep,' he said as he placed a kiss on my forehead and we quickly fell asleep.

——————————Time Skip—————————

It was the next morning, I quickly fluttered my eyes open, expecting to find Jax but he wasn't there. That fucking dick(if ya know what i mean) I got myself up and got showered trying not to think about how I got humped and dumped. I put on a pair of denim booty shorts and a white tank top and headed downstairs to make the kids breakfast.

To my surprise Jax was stood over the frying pan making pancakes and the three kids were sat at the table waiting for their food.
'Mornin' trouble,' he smiled at me as he turned around.
'This is a nice surprise,' I told him walking up next to where he was standing.
'I'm full of surprises,' he said putting an arm around my waist as he flipped the pan.
'Are you two a thing now?' Jayden asked with a smile on his face.
'No, we definitely are not a thing,' I said looking to Jayden then Jax.
'For now,' he winked.

We sat and ate the pancakes and they were to die for, 'Jax where did you learn to cook like this?' I questioned, as far as I knew Jax couldn't even make toast.
'My mom taught me a few things,'
'Aunt Gemma's the best,' Tommy piped up.
'Yeah, but Jax makes nicer pancakes, don't tell her I said that,' Lily grinned cheekily.

'So, Lils, you got a boyfriend?' I asked her while the boys were outside being taught by Jax how to shoot nerf guns.
'No, but there's this boy that I really like, but I don't know if he likes me,' she sighed.
'Really? What's his name?' I asked now intrigued.
'Bailey, he's really funny and smart and kind and he's so handsome,' she smiled just thinking about him, I giggled at her description of him.
'Maybe he's the one,' I told her.
'How do you know if they're the one?' shit that's a good question.
'You'll get butterflies in you're stomach when they talk, you'll feel like it's only you two in the whole world, there's something in their eyes, it just lights up, like Gemma says it'll feel like sparks are flying in the air.' There was one person I thought about when I said that.
'Like you and Jax?' she asked.
This kid is gonna be the death of me.
'I don't know, but trust me when you know you'll know,'I said bringing her into a hug.
'I missed you Lils,'
'I missed you too Emmy,' she said returning the hug.

i'm sorry everyone, i wanted Jax to have to graft but i couldn't resist letting them be happy for a while

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