He didn't have anything better to do so he went and sat with her

"What are you doing, Mayumi-chan?"

She looked up at him with her big dough hotpink eyes

"Suguru-nii-san, I am coloring."

He smiled and nodded his head

"Suguru-nii-san, can I ask you a question?"

She asked, still very concentrated on her coloring


"Why do you always keep try to please everyone with a fake smile?''

He froze, eyes waidening at the little girl's question

It took him a minute before replying back to her

"I-i don't know what you're talking about, Mayumi-chan. I think you're mistaking"

Mayumi looked up at him, her face netural as ever. To some people she might even looked bored

"I do not mistake, Suguru-nii-san. I can tell, the smile you're smiling now isn't your real smile. Don't try to hide something from me, I can read others like an open book"

His smile faltered. She sighed

"Nothing, it's just the mission have been taking to much time -

"Why don't you decline a few? You can decline, you know"

"But it's our dut-

"It's not."

Geto blinked when she cut her off


"Just because you're strong doesn't mean you have a duty to protect everyone..... You're not feeling good, take a few days off. If you overwork yourself, your health can be inline. And if this causes you to not be alert on a mission much more can happen. Then we can lose a nother sorcerer who could have saved many more lives. "

Geto didn't know how to respond but he was deeply touched by Mayumi's concern for him.

"I guess you're right, Mayumi-chan.... I'll take a few days off."

She nodded and looked up at him, giving him a small smile

"You're a great person, Suguru-nii-san. But you don't have to please everyone. You are the most beautiful with your natural smile "

His eyes slightly waiden at the compliment. He felt his cheeks slowly heating up but decided to not act on it

"I will keep that in mind, Mayumi-chan."

She smiled at him before going back to her drawing. He looked at it and was kinda shocked how good it was. It was almost like a sketch of her and her brother playing together

It was quiet for a while before she suddenly said

"You know, I am proud of you"

This startled him greatly and he believed that he even let out a small gasp of surprise


"I said, I am proud of you. You're doing such a good job.... People have clans or influential people to back them up here in the jujutsu society but you're selfmade and I am proud of that."

Geto was too shocked to even react. This is the first time someone acknowledged him and his hard work like this. Well of course, other than his parents.

His heart felt warm, and a true smile made it's way to his face. He gently ruffled her hair

"Thank you so much, Mayumi-chan. I will always try to be like this and keep making you proud"

But to his surprise, she shook her head.

"You don't have to try to please anyone. Do as you want, you're still young and deserve to enjoy yourself now. I don't want you to add any weight on your shoulder any more. If you're happy and nobody's getting hurt, I am happy "

He smiled at her

People often said she was rude or entitled because she wasn't all happy and didn't converse like other kids. She was just like this. It didn't mean she didn't care about people around her. but she was too good and kind for her own good

As time went by, he just stared at her while she did her thing

From that day, something changed. he didn't even know what did, but something did

End of Flashback

Geto just kept smiling to himself, not answering anyone's question. Everyone looked a little weirded out by him but didn't give it much thought

They didn't need to know anything

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