"You need sleep, maybe if you didn't fight a fucking warlord of the sea- on your own- we could've done some more than just kiss."

He playfully glared at her slightly, making her chuckle as she had him lay down on her, his head rested on her lap, his eyes fought to close but then she began to speak softly to him, brushing her fingers through his hair, he fell right asleep.


"Riña, Zoro! Get up here!" They heard yelling from the ship's deck as Luffy called out for them.

Valeriña tapped Zoro's cheek lightly, he had barely slept a wink, trying to force himself awake to stay with Valeriña, he didn't wanna leave her again.

"Want me to say you're sleeping?" She asked, wanting him to stay in bed.

"No, I'm coming." He groaned as he sat up. Valeriña stood, checking his wounds, as she helped him up.

"Checking me out already?"

She scoffed at him, ignoring his comment, walking to the other side of the room. She grabbed a new shirt for herself and Zoro out of her bag. She threw his at him, turning around so she could switch her top as well.

Zoro changed his shirt with minor pain, not bothering to turn around, they've lived together for years, plus, he's seen more than her shirtless.

He finished with his shirt just as Valeriña pulled on her undertop, a corset-like one, he walked up behind her, and as she brought her hair over to one shoulder, he tied it in the back for her. "Gracias."

He pressed his lips to her bare shoulder, mumbling there. "De nada." He stuck another kiss to her shoulder, moving a bit of her hair that fell back, he didn't kiss her neck, but she could feel his soft breath there, teasing her, making her shiver.

"Roronoa Zoro." She spoke, in a sharp tone, but tilted her head back in compliance, making him finally press a few soft kisses there, opening more space on her neck.

"I love when you say my name." He murmured softly.

She turned around to him, chuckling, as she pulled her shirt over her torso. He glanced at her chest before she covered it with the thin material.

"Pervertido." She said jokingly, walking around him, to the door. "Says the one checking me out earlier."
He said, following her.

He grabbed her wrist before she could leave. He grinned charmingly, making her roll her eyes, kissing his cheek. "¿Feliz?" She asked sarcastically, walking away before she could hear his answer.

"Very." He said as he sped up to trail after her, they walked out the door, heading to the deck


Usopp carried a barrel onto the ship. "A lot of dried meat in these barrels. Think we bought too much?" He asked Valeriña and Zoro.

Zoro and her were resting against a crate, he was leaning against her, tiredly. "You know who you're sailing with?" Zoro asked him, sarcastically, nodding his head up to Luffy, his eyes closed.

He hadn't bothered buttoning his shirt but Valeriña was forced to, estúpido gender laws, she had complained a few minutes prior, but shut up when Usopp started to bring the barrels.

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