"Yeah, so. Where is she? And what does she know about Katherine?" Damon questioned.

"I should help you?" Klaus asked, he looked furious already.

"Mm-hmm," Damon said and I leaned back in my seat, biting my lip out of nervousness as usual.

"After you lot killed my brother, imprisoned me in the Gilbert living room."

"You might want to prioritize, Klaus. You have much bigger problems. Katherine has the cure. My guess is she's gonna want to cra it down your throat. You help me find Katherine, I'll get the cure, I'll give it to Elena, everbody wins. Just let me questoin Hayley about Katherine," Damon requested.

Klaus walked over and sat next to me once again, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side. "I can't help you, mate. Hayley's off-limits. Although, I did have a run-in with a vampire who may know where Katerina is. Too bad for you I bit half-way through his bloody neck. He probably won't have much time for chitchat."

Damon's eyes then landed on me and I got up. "Let's go," I told my friend. Klaus grabbed my wrist and I shook my head.

"I'm going to help my friends. And you. He's right. Katherine's first move will be to make you mortal. And you don't want that," I said and he narrowed his eyes.

"Bye, love," I winked at him.

"Allison," Klaus began to argue but Damon had already grabbed my hand and was dragging me to the door. "Behave," I warned him and he sighed, waving me off.


Damon was currently on the phone with Stefan. I took him to the place Klaus and I were when we found Hayley last night. The same tow trucks from last night were here so Damon was searching for the vampire from last night too. "What do you mean she fed? I specifically told her no feeding," Damon said, pacing. "The sire bond should make her listen."

"Right, the sire bond isn't working," I could hear Stefna reply.

"That's not possible."

"Think about it. Elena's sire bond stems from her feelings for you, right?"

"With her humanity off, she has no feelings," I finished for Stefan coming to the realization.

"Right," Stefan said on the otherline while Damon stared at me.

"All I wanted was to break that damn bond. You're telling me now this whole time all she had to do was turn it off?" Damon asked. "What happens if she turns it back on?"

"I don't know. But more importantly where are you right now?"

"I'm at a truck stop in the boonies looking for a dead vampire that might lead to Katherine and the cure," Damon answered. He then turned around and then looked at me, nodding for me to follow him. I did and we walked down between two trucks where I stood last night with Klaus and Hayley. "Look, just grab her and get her home. I'll be there when I can," Damon finished, hanging up.

I looked behind me and then when I looked back at Damon, a step infront of me there was Rebekah. "You. Thought you were still vacationing on numbskull island," Damon said.

"Well, I was looking for answers. And all I found was your Professor Shane. Dead. And with him, anything anyone knows about the cure," Rebekah replied.

"Guess you won't turn into a real girl after all," Damon joked and I rolled my eyes, fighting a laugh.

"No, I'll get the cure. I need Katherine and I'm betting you can help find her."

"Why would I help you?" Damon asked, stopping to face her again as we began walking away from her.

"Because I was smart enough to bring a pinch of my brother's blood. How else would you interrogate a vampire who's practically dead from a wolf bite?" She quipped.

Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now