Chapter 90: Banquet at the Ryugu Palace

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"It's gorgeous! Thank you, Nami!" (Y/N) hugged Nami when she pulled away, she felt her red sweater come off her. "Huh?"

"You're not walking around in that tore sweater anymore. Your fit looks gorgeous without it anyways." Nami giggled before pushing (Y/N) towards the door.

"Wait, but I don't have anything incase I get col—" (Y/N) was cut off when she was pushed out of the Girl's Quarters. She watched the rest of her crew turn towards her, practically undressing her with their eyes. (Y/N)'s face grew red with blush.

Nami peaked over (Y/N)'s shoulder. "I told you, you look gorgeous."

"Shush it..." (Y/N) sighed off her blushed before walking back to the grass deck. Soon enough the Straw Hats picked up Camie and Pappag, even Hachi and Camie's friends: the Medaka Mermaid Quintuples. And soon, the Sunny made her way to the Ryugu Palace. Neptune and his guards were the first thing the Straw Hats saw. "Welcome to the palace, Straw Hats." Neptune spoke up. "I'm honored you've chosen to join us. And I'm eager to speak with you during the banquet. The long flounders will be arriving to take you to the hall."

Luffy leaned over Sunny's railing as two long flounders with large air bubbles on their back arrived. "Woah, those are some huge rays!"

Zoro quickly replied. "They're flukes."

"But I thought he called them flounders." Usopp blankly stared at his captain and swordsman. (Y/N) joined him, sighing. "He definitely did..."

The Straw Hats and their friends boarded the long flounders and were taken into the palace once again. (Y/N) sat next to Camie and Nami as Nami spoke up. "We're underwater? It's so dark!"

"So surreal. They're really letting us in?" Camie stared ahead of her in slight shock. "I'm kinda nervous."

Hachi looked down at the flounder beneath him as he nervously spoke. "Nyu. It's the royal palace! This is nuts!"

"I've seen it before, but it still amazes me." (Y/N) smiled up at the water flowing above the flounder's air bubble.

"Hey, where's the meat?" Luffy questioned aloud from the second flounder.

"Look! The heroes have arrived!" A soldier yelled out before an uproar of cheers were heard below the flounders.

(Y/N) peaked over the edge of the flounder. "Woah, look at all the soldiers down there!" Chopper spoke in shock from the second flounder next to her. (Y/N) adding in. "It's a whole sea of them. This is insane!"

(Y/N) watched all of the soldiers cheer for her and her crew before they started chanting 'Heroes!' over and over again. "This is exactly what we didn't want." (Y/N) sighed and sat back down on the flounder.

"Shut up!" Luffy grabbed onto his air bubble, yelling down at the chanting soldiers. "We aren't anybody's damn heroes! We just wanna eat some meat!" Zoro sat up from his slumber, joining his captain. "Yeah! And drink all your sake too!"

"They're not going to stop, so don't fight it." (Y/N) crossed her arms, sassing the two.

"First, look at the stage!" Shiraoshi swam in front of the Straw Hats, pointing behind her as she swam out of view. "This way! You see?"

(Y/N) leaned over the flounder once more. "I don't see a stage..."

"Ladies and gentlemen!" A Fishman announcer spoke through the stage's loud speakers. "We'll soon commence with the banquet in celebration of the Straw Hats. But first..." A light turned on, revealing a beautiful large Fishwoman on the stage. "...we proudly present the greatest diva of the deep sea, Maria Napole!" The soldiers loudly cheered as Maria held up her arms to her audience.

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