01. A Cautionary Tale

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"Do we really have to do this?" Kendall asked. She was dressed in all black with leather gloves, she was also holding a guitar.

Sawyer was putting the finishing touches on as he hung up a banner that read, 'Welcome Freshman!'. "You know we promised we would do this orientation video for Davis," He put the phone on the stand. "Ready?"

"So ready."

Sawyer started the video off by saying, "Hello! Welcome to high school!"

"We're here to welcome you, but also to talk to you about something serious." She spoke but made that serious dramatically lower then rest of the sentence.

"We're gonna tell you the story of our friend Nyssa. How she moved here from Kenya and how her dodgy decisions caused another girl to get hit by a car." Sawyer said the sentence theatrically. "Actions and consequences."

(A Cautionary Tale, song above)

It's a cautionary tale of fear and lust and pride,
Based on actual events where people died.

No one died!
But how far would you go to be popular and hot?
Would you resist temptation?

No, you would not!
Just admit it sometimes

Mean is what you are
Mean is easier than nice
And though mean can take you far
Maybe this will make you think twice.

Kick! Layout! Fosse!

This is a cautionary tale
About corruption and betrayal

And getting hit by a car

You can't buy integrity at the mall
It's not for sale


Thank you!

This is a cautionary tale!

Our story begins across the globe. In Africa... Africa...

I hope y'all liked this chapter since it's the first and it introduces our narrators!

Word Count: 288

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