Polly: I don't know what it is but I love it!

Heather: we call it pizza


Anne was fishing but then got dragged into a lake by a big fish

Heather: Anne!

Narrator: while making the two of them feel right a home


A giant onion monster stood in front of Anne, Heather, Polly and sprig

Sprig: maybe it's harmless!

The onion monster roared and goo came out of its mouth

All: AHH!!

Heather: Run!


Polly: twisted! I love it!


Anne: up top Heather!

Heather high fived Anne

Anne: you to sprig!

Sprig high fived Anne with his tongue

Anne: Oh boy that's gross


Season 2 trailer:

Andrias: tada! Take a look

Andrias showed everyone a book with a picture of the music box

Sprig: it's the music box!

Andrias: according to this book the three stones are they key to getting it working again they need to be recharged

Heather: so the stones are like a battery

Anne: but how do we get them recharged?


Marcy: even if we find a way home it's pointless without Sasha

Heather: we haven't seen her since our fight...


Anne: we need to find her Marcy I need to make things right


Sasha: looks like a got my own path now. But it's not over between us! Not even close


Anne Marcy Heather and the planters found the first second and third temple


Marcy tried to solve a puzzle while the room moved around


Sasha and Grime held a giant hammer


Marcy got mad and ran across a giant chess board


Heather and Anne hugged Hop pop in the rain


Sasha fought a giant stone monster


Young Anne Sasha and Marcy played with heather in the sand box.

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