✿YOU ARE IN LOVE✿ | Chapter 3.5 | ANYA

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"Mama and papa did the hanky-panky," I whispered to Scruffy. He spit his water out and stared at me with a scaredy-cat face, "WHAT?! HOW DO YOU KNOW?!?!?"

Across the room, mama and papa are flirting. That's what Becky calls it. They pretend not to be, but their thoughts say differently, "God, she's so adorable. I can't stop thinking about that night. I just want to touch her again, feel her agai-'

Yeah, that's enuf of dat hanky-panky talk. Ew.

"I heard dem. Dey were very noisy," I point across the room to mama and papa.

"Oh my god," Scruffy hides his face with his hands. "I'm so sorry Anya, you shouldn't have heard that."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll forgibe you if you help me get mama and papa to love eachoder."

Scruffy's face lights up, "You're a genius!" He whisper-shouts in my face. His breath smells very bad. Like alcomohol.

"What?" I tilt my head to the side, confusled.

"We have to put them in situations where they have to do something couple-y. That should work."

"But... what if it don't work?"

"Then it's hopeless. They both are too much of a pussy to admit their feelings otherwise."

"PAPA!! SCRUFFY SAID NAUGHTY WORD!!!" Scruffy hops up, holding his arms up in defense.


"Arrrrgh." I grumble as I sit at the cafeteria table next to Becky, "Mama and papa just won't admit der love for eachoder!"

"MY LOIDY LOVES SOMEONE ELSE?!" Becky stands up, and all the kids look at her. She sits back down, embarrassed.

"Yeah. Papa loves mama, and I can tell because..." I can't tell her about my super-duper powers! Then she won't wanna be my friend anymore. "...because they did the hanky-panky."

"WHAT?!" Becky shouts, standing up again. All the kids look at her once more and she sits back down, again.

"Yeah, I heard dem. Dey had fun. Is hanky-panky fun?"

"No, it's not. Adults do it to make babies. Maybe your parents are trying to get you a little sibling?" Becky gasps.

"Uhhhhherrrr....." Papa and mama definitely didn't do dat to make a baby. "I don't think so. I think they thought it would be fun but it wasn't." Dey definitely had fun.

"Hmm. Maybe," Becky shrugs, taking a bite of her food.


I ended up just making this a half-chapter because I could not for the life of me come up with anything else to write in Anya's perspective 😭

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