Now that he thinks about it, she only ever argued with him when he started an argument. So he really couldn't blame her about this

" Do you miss being in a loving home, Gojo-kun?"

He didn't know what to say to that

"I guess. I started to train at a very young age.... so I guess I've never got time to be a kid and play around. I am not close to my relatives or clan members either "

Mayumi hummed

She was absolutely delighted to hear him open up to her. She was waiting for this long enough

"Is that so? I guess that's the drawback of being the strongest..... people stop to acknowledge you as a human and treat you like some kind of god. That don't even understand how much they are affecting the person. They are thinking about themselves.... I am sorry "

She said, still coloring her book

"I don't need your pity"

Gojo said with a sour face

"I am not showing you pity. There is nothing to pity here. I am just saying your situation out loud.... but you know, it's better to have some family ties"

Gojo tilted his head

"What do you want me to do? Contact my relatives?"

She shook her head and it looked like she was thinking something

"You are welcomed to my house all the time. I will tell dad to include you from all the family event and festivals from now on"

To say Gojo was surprised would be an understatement. He was so taken aback that he grabbed her shoulder to make her look at him. He had wide eyes

"Really?.... But why though? I always fought with you"

Mayumi just nodded with her natural face

"I said I don't mind. You're a good kid. That's all that matters. You can come one all the events with our family. I will tell this to dad beforehand. But if you don't mind, can you let me go?"

Gojo quickly let her go and apologized. And he had this silly grin plastered on his face the whole day


All the first years and second years went to the cafeteria

"Has anyone seen Satoru? I haven't seen him all day. "

Geto asked

"Maybe he's just roming around. Don't worry."

Shoko said and lighting up her cigarette

But everyone was pleasantly surprised to see Gojo with Mayumi in the cafeteria. He talking loudly and she just sat there looking up at him. She patiently heard him out and occasionally nodded and gave an answer

What threw them off more was Gojo looked like he was really having a good time

Everyone just stood there stunned and speechless

"Oi, kento, are you seeing what I am seeing or am I going crazy?"

Haibara asked, still not believing his eyes. Nanami just dumbly nodded his head

"I am also surprised, kids"

The cafeteria manager said as he came closer to them

Everyone looked at him

"They are here for the past hour. That little girl is hearing that boy from the past 45 minutes. "

Everyone was, again, speechless.

"We should go there and not stand here like creeps"

They nodded as they made there way to them. Gojo stopped his blabbering and looked back at the new comers and so did Mayumi

"Oh, hello there"

Mayumi said looking at the students

"Is Satoru bothering you, Mayumi-chan?"

Shoko quickly asked

"Hey! I am not!"

Gojo protested

"No he isn't. I am talking to him by my own concent"

Nobody seems to believe her

"Mayumi-chan, blink twice if you're in danger ."

"Oi Suguru!"

Mayumi just calmly blinked at the commotion between the two best friends

"I am 100% positive. I am completely safe, Suguru-nii-san. I am not being threatened by any one."

She assured, before looking at Nanami

"Kento-kun, would you mind telling me what time it is?"

He was still a bit wary but told her the time

"Oh.... I am late..... I have to go back and check on Otouto. Please excuse me"

She said, packing her things

But suddenly Gojo whined

"But I want you to stay."

Everyone looked at him as if he had gone nuts

Mayumi calmly said, still packing her things

"I am sorry about leaving midway our conversation but my baby brother might get scared if he didn't see me in time. I will remember to call you when dad comes home and talk to you, Gojo-kun. "

He grinned at her

"Sure thing, Mayumi-chan~~~"

She was done packing but before leaving, she looked at Gojo. Ushered him to come closer to her. He had a imaginary question mark on his head as he leaned down to her hight

But then to his and everyone's surprise, Mayumi patted his head

Behind his sunglasses, Gojo's eyes waiden. Small hues of cherry covered his cheeks as she softly smailed at him

"Thank you for telling me what's bothering you. I really appreciate it. It's not good to bottle up things inside you.... Till next time, Gojo-kun"

And with that, she left

Everyone was still in disbelief

Gojo had imaginary flowers around him. A silly grin plastered on his face

Geto looked at Gojo

"You've got some explaining to do, Satoru"

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