020 - It's Already Begun

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THE DARKNESS OF NIGHT TOOK OVER THE SKY BY THE TIME THEY REACHED THE TOWER. Rachel and Kory were waiting for them, apologising for disappearing but urged they had news to tell. Donna and Dawn leaned against the kitchen island, sending each other shocked looks at Kory's words. "Jericho is alive? Don't tell me Dick actually said that," Donna pleaded, turning to Kory. Terran looked up at Rachel, and the witch nodded.

"Well, more like scrawled it on the wall of his cell," Rachel clarified, moving to sit on top of the island next to Terran. "Like caveman-style."

"I don't even know what that's supposed to mean," Dawn spoke up.

"It's a style Neanderthals used to depict images in cave walls," Kory rambled and Terran's eyebrows shot up. "Usually battle scenes or hunting."

Donna walked to the counter and looked at Kory with a confused face. "No shit," Terran scoffed, leaning her head on the cabinets.

"I meant that Jericho's alive," Dawn clarified.

"Oh. Sorry," Kory muttered.

"Well, one thing's for sure," Donna huffed. "He has clearly lost his mind."

"But I keep having these dreams about Dick being killed by Deathstroke," Rachel argued, leaning forward slightly. "And they're not going away. We need to do something about that," Rachel ordered in a soft voice, reiterating her point.

"I believe you," Donna spoke with a nod. "But we have bigger problems right now." Rachel nodded and Donna flipped the tablet open, revealing CADMUS building blueprints.

Terran pushed herself off the counter, taking a stance next to Dawn and Donna. Hey eyes scanned over the blueprints, trying to memorise the rooms. "Okay, what's the plan?" Terran asked.

"Well, the main CADMUS office building closes at 9:00 and security drops down to ten. It's two at each gate and six roaming inside," Kory explained, pointing to each spot on the map.

"Okay, what about the lab?" Donna questioned, pressing the lab building.

"Whole different story," Dawn started. "It's a 24-hour operation and in the last week they've doubled up the guard. Four six-hour shifts, 20 bodies around the clock. Sounds like that's where the party's at."

"Okay. Well, let's crash it," Donna finished.

"Oh, so we're just gonna break into CADMUS and get Conner, Hazel and Gar out of there. Just the five of us?" Rachel questioned, using her arms to emphasise her words.

"We don't have a choice right now, okay? But between you, Terran and Kory, we have plenty of firepower," Donna said, her eyes jumping between the three. "At least to get us in through the front door.""

"About that. I've got some bad news," Kory spoke up while toying with her rings. "My powers have vanished."

"Excuse me?" Terran questioned, her eyebrows shooting up again. "What exactly do you mean?"

"I don't know. I don't know what happened. But they're gone and I haven't been able to get them back," Kory shrugged.

Donna exhaled softly, "Well, that's fucking great. Um, what about you?"

"Fully loaded," Rachel said with a strong nod. "But I can't promise that I... won't go a little bit overboard. Um, things have been getting... dramatic."

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