The Hell Called Qiu Manor

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As soon as Qiu Jianluo arrived at Qiu manor with the two siblings, he locked them in a shed for a week, then, he finally took the siblings out. Years worth of grime and dust was very much visible on both of the Shen's, the disgusted the neat freak young master, so he handed the siblings off to some guards and ordered for them both to be scrubbed clean.

Once that was done, both siblings were cleaner then they had ever been, and their once pale and fair skin now had a pink undertone, which added more to their complexions. 

Shen Shi had a bad feeling about Qiu Jianluo, he was particularly touchy with him, and not in a nice friendly way. Whenever that man ever so as brushed past him, it gave the young child an uneasy feeling deep in his stomach.

It took three days before the two met the bastards younger sister, and she wasn't bad at all. Shen Shi noticed she took a quick liking to his older brother, and that made him feel even worse in the stomach at Qiu Jianluo's reaction to seeing his sister, that same weird look. Qiu Haitang and him were definitely similar when it came to how touchy Qiu Jianluo was with them, be always made sure to lay a finger on them for longer than necessary, and always had to brush their shoulder with his hand when walking past.

Another thing that confirmed how much hatred Shen Shi would now have for Qiu Jianluo was that he enjoyed beating Shen Jiu like a dog, if you hit a dog, they whimper and walk off, which isn't that fun, but if you step on that dog, they growl and bite. That, that is entertaining. 

Mutts from the same litter had similar reactions to getting beaten, they'd send death stares, and on rare occasions, they'd bite back. Those days earned them more beatings than originally planned, but Qiu Jianluo made sure to never hit their faces. Those were too precious for him to injure.

Shen Shi sat down in the woodshed, waiting with hope for his brother to come back with minimum damage, though that was most likely to not come true given the stunt Shen Jiu pulled earlier that day. Even if it was done with good reason.

Earlier that morning, both of the Shen's were silently sitting in the woodshed, hoping they wouldn't have to come face to face with Qiu Jianluo for the day, unfortunately for them, the bastard showed up. It seemed he grew too bored and needed to hit something, so what would be easier to hit than the two slaves sitting in a shed? The answer, nothing. 

Wanton laughter echoed throughout the small, wooden shed as the young master Qiu ground his foot repeatedly into the oldest Shen's stomach. Shen Shi was off to the side, following his brother's instructions of: stay quiet, hide, don't move. Tears began to swell up inside those big, jade eyes, his head hurt from Qiu Jianluo's villainous laughter. 

After a matter of seconds, the bastard turned hisbhead around and spotted the younger Shen cowering in the corner, his lips twisted upwards in a smile as he advanced forwards.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Something seemed to snap in Shen Jiu, he opened one eyes to see Qiu Jianluo slowly walking towards a shaking Shen Shi, and it felt like something just snapped. 

Quickly standing up, the older Shen ran towards the young master and grabbed his arm and bit down hard, a loud scream rang out through the air. Blood stained Shen Jiu's teeth, the crimson liquid was seeping out of Qiu Jianluo's newly acquired bite mark.

The young master saw red, he quickly turned around and sent an earth shattering glare towards the older slave, a loud slap echoed around the woodshed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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