Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll

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Once inside the banquet room, Rachel glanced over her shoulder to see Max pull the heavy oak doors closed behind them and position himself just inside the doorway. Rachel tossed him a thankful smile then led Hawke to their assigned table where Cameron and Sean were already seated.

Cameron's eyes sparkled with curiosity as Hawke pulled out Rachel's chair.  Rachel gave her a smugwouldn't-you-like-to-know smile.

Hawke leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her cheek. "I'll be right back."  He glanced at Sean. "C'mon, Pirelli, it's showtime."

Rachel nodded and then glanced around the room. How many people had seen that kiss?

"So, Rachel." Cameron leaned forward, braced her elbows on the table, braided her fingers and rested her chin on top of her hands. "What gives with you and Music Man?"

Rachel grinned. "Not what you think. We just spent a little more time together."

Cameron gave her head a slight nod and for a moment Rachel thought Cameron might actually accept her explanation. She should've known better.

Cameron's lips suddenly split into a mischievous grin. "How was it?"

"Cameron!" Rachel bounced her gaze nervously around the room. "Lower your voice."

"How was it?" Cameron whispered.

"Nothing happened." Unless she counted the most incredible, fully-clothed orgasm after the fire. Rachel scanned the room until her gaze froze on Hawke's long, lean form. His powerful, well-muscled body moved with easy grace as he mingled, the rich outlines of his shoulders straining against the fabric of his jacket. Even in a crowd, the heat that emanated from his body beckoned her. Her mouth watered as she watched him carry himself with a commanding air of self-confidence.

"Rachel, really." Cameron handed her a napkin. "Just do him."

Rachel snapped herself out of lustful appreciation. "I can't."

Cameron waved a hand in the air. "I know it's been awhile for you, but you probably haven't forgotten how."

Rachel rolled her eyes. "No, Cameron, you know how I feel about meaningless sex."

"And your reasoning is one I'll never understand."

Rachel sighed. "Me either."

Cameron tapped a fingernail against her wineglass. "The sparks that fly between the two of you are fiery, sister.  I don't think sex with Jaydon Hawke would even come close to meaningless."

"You know what I mean."

Cameron tilted her head to one side and wrapped a curl around one finger. "You'll want more than once with him."

"That too." Rachel shrugged and made the one admission she couldn't deny any longer. "I don't want just sex from him."

Cameron released the curl then started the process again. "You want a relationship."


"What's the problem?"

"Oh come on, Cameron, we're talking about Jaydon Hawke, mega superstar, first class sex symbol of the world."

Cameron couldn't be swayed. "Who happens to be your escort to the Diablo Memorial Hospital Gala in Diablo, Arizona."

"There weren't any groupies available."

Cameron giggled. "Nice try. I don't think so."

Rachel opted to change the subject. "You know, I think Max likes you," she said nonchalantly.

Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll (SEALS, Inc., Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz