Chater one.

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Arizona Witcliff.

I feel used and abused.
Would you believe I walked right pass him while he and that slut were making out.

In my defense it was midnight, and I'd been drinking most of the night.
My husband was the best man at a friend's wedding and it had been a really long day.

I just wanted to go home but my husband Brian kept disappearing. I think one part of the evening I'd almost caught him with his pants down but one of his friends pulled me back out of the bathroom before I could see what was actually going on. I'd flagged it off. I just wanted to go home.

I was practically falling asleep so I thought I'd go wait in our car and that's what I did. He'd parked out on the road so that was me I said goodbye to Sharon who was in her bedroom with Rex. They looked as if they had been arguing. I shrugged shit happens.

I liked Sharon she was kind and most of the time happy. As for him he was
an asshole. I mean he'd invited two of his mistresses to his wedding. One of them was their neighbor for crying out loud. She'd actually helped the groom and his party dress at her place.

Anyway how did I know who the mistresses were?

One of them was my friend Lisa. Hence the word was. I just lost any respect for her after that.

In my defense I had no clue what was happening. I mean I'm one of those people who actually don't pry into other people's business. Dumb bitch told me afew day's before the wedding that she was fucking him and so was the other one.

She knew he'd never leave Sharon, his number one. She was Rex's baby mama and was raising another child of his because that mama had died giving birth. Yeah Sharon was a Saint.

Rich white people were fucken strange. In my reality the guy would have had his balls cut off at the very least throat punched.

Back to my story.

I rounded the outside of the house and that's where I practically ran into a couple making out. It was fucken dark, I was half pissed and ok I was alot pissed.

I glanced over, the guy had her wrapped in his arms as they engaged in a long passionate kiss.

I muttered an apology for nearly walking into them.
Could things get any worse?

I remember thinking, oh how sweet these two look. They actually  looked so good together.

Moving forward.

I didn't know how where the fuck  Liza materialized out from but she pulled me to her and said for me to look.

Look! As in turn the the fuck around!

I'm like huh?

Just look!

I turned back and stared.

I couldn't believe my eyes it was my husband and the woman was none other than the grooms fucken other mistress!

Her name was Jackie.
A sleezy bond piece of ass that apparently my husband was also fucking.

I walked up to them and asked him what the fuck was he doing?
Sleezy bitchface Jackie apparently was called out tonight by the bride and was told to leave. My husband was offering her a shoulder to cry on.

Apparently it also required his tongue down her throat and his fingers up her pussy. (I knew my husband better than he knew himself).

I may or may not have told Sharon that Jackie and Rex were fucking.Call it a late wedding gift to the asshole groom. Yeah I'm a fucken bitch. I can play dirty. Specially when that bastard decided to share his fucken whore with my husband.

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