Blitzo: Get down!

Agent One appears behind the two Imps with a net launcher while Agent Two jumps down from a building with a tranquilizer gun and in front of the portal, blocking Y/N from going in.

Y/N: What the hell?!

Blitzo: Loona! Close it!

Loona does what she's told the portal.

Millie: Wait no!

Before Millie could go back and help them, the portal closes. When the portal closed, Moxxie gets mad and pulls out his gun and tries to shoot at one of the agents before he was quickly hit with a tranquilizer dart in the neck and falling to the ground.

Y/N/Blitzo: Moxxie!

Y/N runs up and punches the female agent across the face, knocking her to the ground while Blitzo goes to pick up Moxxie. The three of them began to run down an alleyway as the agents give chase.

Moxxie: I smell... *Sniff* colors?

The trio stops at a dead end with the agents catching up and cornering them. Y/N and Blitzo pulls out their guns and points them at the agents.

Blitzo: Back off, you tuxedo wearing fucks!

Blitzo and Y/N raise their weapons at them but just as they were about to fire, Agent Two presses a button on her gun, shocking the three demons. Blitzo tries to get back up, only for him to get shocked again, falling to ground unconscious, while Y/n managed to stay standing.

Y/n: Is that the best you go-

Before Y/N could finish his sentence, Agent Two shoots a couple of tranquilizer darts into his chest.

Y/N: Hah! You think some measly darts is gonna beat me?! Well, you are very correct, because I think I'm blacking out.

 Y/n succumbs to the tranquilizers and falls onto his back, unconscious.

Agent One: Ha ha! I'd like to see the suits at corporate call us losers now, that was pretty badass.

Agent Two: Super badass!

[Meanwhile at I.M.P]

Millie punches the wall in anger multiple times with tears in her eyes before she got on her knees.

Millie: Shit! Shit, shit, shit!

Loona: You uh... You okay there?

Millie: What're you doing sitting there?! The boys are in trouble, open it again.

Loona: Blitz was using a total of zero euphemisms, innuendos, or swears that means it was serious, which means I don't open it until- 


The two of them began to gear up with Loona putting Stolas' grimoire in a backpack and Millie carrying a big double axe. Loona quickly transforms into her human form before opening up a portal back to where they were in the alley. Millie jumps through the portal and poses with her wepon, preparing for a fight while Loona just walks over the portal.

Millie: They aren't here..

She drops her axe and got to her knees, beginning to cry. But she was stopped when Loona picks her up and sniffs the ground to track where Y/N, Blitzo and Moxxie went.

Loona: It smells like they went this way. Come on, let's find the dumbass trio.

Loona puts Millie in her backpack and picks up Millie's axe before running to where the scent leads them.

[D.H.O.R.K.S headquarters, Earth]

Moxxie starts to wake up and looks around to see him, Y/N and Blitzo tied up in an interrogation room. Y/N and Blitzo were already awake. Moxxie panics and struggles to get out while Agent Two grabs a light and brings it close to Moxxie's face.

I.M.P Assassin [Helluva Boss X Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now