23 || That "I'm So F*cked" Kind Of Trouble

Start from the beginning

"Liar," she says. "You understand completely."

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." I tease, hanging the campus merch on the racks.

Looking up as I do, I notice a few people have walked in through the front door, most notably, my boss. Shit. "Okay I have to go Reese, some people just walked in." I tell her.

"Wait!" she pipes up.

I tense up knowing that if my boss sees me, I'm dead. This is my first, unofficial, day here. I should probably follow the small amount of rules we have.

"What?" I hush.

"Halloween is in two weeks, we still need to figure out our costumes!" Reese's sounds partially stressed on the matter, but I could really care less.

"We can talk about it later, bye Reese."

I quickly end the call before I'm caught and return to business as usual. Stocking the shelves I wait for the touring party pass before letting out a breath.

That was kind of a close call.

I finish restocking the shelves a half hour later, ending the rest of my shift with only a few more people walking in. The day was slow, easy, and I'm sure I can get used to this.

Of course I use my favorite app to get home and when I walk in I'm surprised to find it still as silent as when I left.

There's no way these guys are still asleep. It's two o'clock.

But as I hear nothing, I start to think otherwise.

I'd meant it when I said it felt lonely in this house due to the quietness, and it feels all the same even though I know they're here.

Maybe the traveling did wipe them out for the day.

I hang my coat up and carefully make my way back to Alex's room, just to see if I'm right. I crack the door open slowly, and enter, seeing him still under the covers.

The door closes with a click and as I walk in further I find myself holding back a laugh. "Jesus," I whisper to myself. "Must've been one hell of a road trip."

Walking to my side of the bed I plug my phone in and scare myself as I look at Alex, face up, eyes open.

"Oh fuck." I curse at myself. "You're up."

Creep. Who fucking sleeps with their eyes open?

Silence is given to me in return and the more I stare, the more I realize something's not right.

"Alex?" My curiosity gets the best of me as I walk around the end of the bed. "Hellooo, earth to Alex?" I wave my hand but get no sort of movement.

I get to his side and see that his eyes, though open, are glossed over and teary. "Alex?" My curiosity quickly turns to concern as I look at his stilled body. "Alex, hey."

I hesitate reaching for the comforter. I don't know what's happening to him, he hasn't given me a sign that he's anywhere close to being responsive, and it's just making me worry.

I backtrack to the door to see if I hear any of the other guys, hoping someone woke up. But who am I kidding, when an athlete's asleep, they're not waking up.

I shut the door again and rushed back to his side once more.

Tears well in his eyes and I start to get scared because I don't know what to do.

I can't help him.

"Ok...uhm, shit." My thoughts start to voice out loud. I look around like I'm supposed to find something when there's absolutely nothing to find. "Can you hear me?"

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