Chapter 20

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Y/n'a POV

You stared at him in pure shock, not expecting him to become who he was now. However it did make so much sense about everything. You asked, watching him sit down on the main chair in the room,
" What about your business? Our parents made an alliance two years ago,"

He just chuckled, his voice much more deeper than you remembered it,
" I gave it to Mikasa, since she was my adoptive sister, she was part of my family,"

A man around Eren's age walked up beside you, glancing down at you, and possibly way to down,
" Who's the hot chick? "

Eren clenched his fists in anger, holding back his anger towards one of his members. He spat with venom laced in his tone, you found it quite intimidating,
" She's mine and mine only. Tell everyone that's she's staying and that nobody is to lay a hand on her,"

The man apologised and nodded, doing exactly what he said. Eren moved up a little and patted the space beside him, letting you sit down. You let out a heavy sigh and did so, not expecting him to wrap an arm around your waist.

You became flustered from the sudden act, not feeling his touch for a while. He laughed a little, moving some of your hair out of your face,
" You're still the same as always, beautiful and angelic,"

He sent you a small smirk,
" Now that we're 20, we're old enough to get married properly. We've always been fiancés, no matter how far apart you may think we were,"

You let out a small nod, staring at your lap. For the first time in two years, you felt nervous and happy. Now that you found out Eren was safe, well sort off, it made you feel at ease once more.
He grabbed your chin gently and made you face him.

He stared into your eyes, your heart skipping a beat as he did so. He then pulled you into a deep and loving kiss, you had forgotten how soft and sweet his lips felt, the same goes with him.

After a few minutes, he pulled away, looking back down at you,
" You have no idea how much I've missed you, "

You nodded in agreement, no longer angry and just leant against his chest, hugging him tightly.
He wrapped his arms around you, making you feel like you were being hugged by a large teddy bear.

He stated,
" Our wedding will be in two months,"

You didn't expect the wedding to be so soon, but you just nodded, not having any issue with it. Although you loved him, it was dangerous towards your reputation. If the public knew about you being married to a dangerous mafia boss, then they'll for sure somehow close your business down. Especially still being a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang.

He somehow knew what you were thinking by reading your expression,
" Your business won't get harmed as long as you and me are alive. You can meet me everyday after work,"

You hummed in response, smiling up at him and kissing him on the cheek. He sent you the smallest smile, his usual emotionless and intimidating expression slowly fading. He may look tough on the outside, but he is soft and loving in the inside. Only you knew that.


A few weeks later

After you found out about Eren and his reputation, you've been meeting up with him everyday. Sometimes you even went on the smallest but loveliest dates, like going to the Café, the cinema and sometimes the arcade. It was truly amazing.

The piece you've been missing for so long in your heart had finally returned. You felt complete when he was around and much more happier.
He treated you like a queen, like his own, and you did the exact same.

Then one day, you were making yourself and Eren some lunch from his kitchen until you got a message from a person who you also haven't heard from in two years, only ever once in a while.

It was Mikey.

He messaged:

Hi Y/n! I know it's been a while but could you do me a favour please? It's an emergency,"


Could you look after my two year old daughter for me please, tomorrow? I need to do some business somewhere with the gang and her Mother is at work on a night shift.

Mikey had a daughter? You didn't even know he had one until now. You couldn't lie, you kind of felt sad that he didn't even tell you the news. So you agreed to meet him first thing tomorrow.

This was going to be complicated. You were always told you were good with kids and you guessed this was the time to use that skill.

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