dead, dying, or a fucking zombie - chapter one

Start from the beginning

"Right." Matt let out a breath at the touch, tapping his fingers against the wheel and moving a bit further forward once the truck in front of them did. "It'll be fine." he repeated as if reassuring himself. 

And in the moment, when it was just L.A traffic and their phones not working, that's how it seemed. Different and weird, but not the end of the world. 

The end of the world didn't become obvious until they got off the highway and a few streets away from their house. 

"Why are there so many people just fucking booking it down the street?" Nick recorded through the window, showing the civilians running in the opposite direction than where they were going. There was no evidence of it being a marathon, or any cops around- just normal, everyday people. 

Normal, everyday people that seemed absolutely terrified

"I think we should turn around and find another way home." Matt suggested, looking around to see what was nearby. He motioned to a gas station parking lot that was weirdly empty a bit further down the road ahead of them. "I can make a u-turn in a parking lot." 

"Do you see the traffic everywhere? We're better off continuing this way." Chris disagreed, causing Matt to look back at Nick again. 

"For once, he's right. We'd get stuck in whatever parking lot we pull into." the oldest claimed, "But it is a little concerning that they're running in the other way." 

"Like we're driving towards something we shouldn't!" the driver huffed, and he sounds more anxious than usual. "What the fuck is going on?" 

"HOLY SHIT!" Chris is the one that ends up shouting, his arm shooting out in front of his older brother's eyes as he pointed at something just out the window. 

"OH MY GOD, I'M LITERALLY DRIVING!" Matt shoved his arm out of the way with one hand.

"Oh, we're barely moving." the younger argued, scrunching up his nose as if it was a form of retaliation before refocusing on whatever it was just out the window. 

 Meanwhile, Nick was screaming in the backseat, "That's not real, is it?" 

The man in the drivers seat gave in, looking to his left to see what his brothers were talking about. There had been a slow-down in the steady flow of people running down the sidewalk as if their lives depended on it, leaving bigger gaps between the figures disappearing past them. 

Just to the left of their vehicle was two people, one scrambling to get away from the other. 

First, there was a young woman dressed in a simple pink tracksuit, screaming at what they could only assume was the top of her lungs. And that seems incredibly wrong just along with everything else, at least until he gets a look at the thing running after her. 

At first glance, it's a man wearing black jeans and a t-shirt with a pink logo. When observing their styles, they looked good together, like they had coordinated their outfits on some level. And when paying more attention to what the lady was screaming, it seemed that they knew each other. 

"Babe, no! Don't do this, please!" 

His eyes are big and dead-looking, his pupils wide and mouth hanging open. His hands are bloody, skin and grime gathered under his nails as if he had just scratched someone's skin raw.

 There were tears in the fabric of the woman's tracksuit with blood beginning to seep through the slits, but that seemed to be the least of her worries as she scrambled forward. 

The guy's teeth were coated in blood, too, leaving him looking kind of like some kid's halloween costume. 

He sort of looked like a- 

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