Chapter 1: Charlie

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(see the end for notes)

It's Tuesday morning. I wake up early. A normal day as you might think, but no it's definitely not. It's the day of our 2 year anniversary and I'm so excited!!  Oh and before I get into it, let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Charlie Spring, a 16 year old, as you may know cause I've been popular since I got outed as gay last year.
And then there is my boyfriend Nick Nelson, a 17 year old rugby lad, who I've been with for 2 years now. He's the best person in the whole world. He likes rugby and Formula 1, animals (especially dogs), the Marvel universe, the sound felt tips make on paper, rain, drawing on shoes, Disneyland and minimalism. He also likes me. His hair is dark blond and his eyes are brown is two inches taller than me, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion.

Now, back to our special day. We have plans for a fancy restaurant tonight, even though I don't really like restaurants or crowds cause they make me really anxious. But I'm still excited because Nick will love my carefully chosen gift.
After he begged like forever I bought him Taylor Swift concert tickets. I've been saving up for these for months, and tonight, I can finally give them to him. I can finally make his dream come true. I know he'll go crazy with excitement.

When I finally finished getting dressed after deciding what to wear (what felt like centuries btw) I made my way to the bus. It was freezing outside so I almost thought I would freeze to death but then after like 10 minutes I was finally there. At the bus stop I spot Harry Greene and a few of his friends. He is a guy from Nick's year who used to bully me ever since word got around that I was gay. It was a really really tough time for me and I started to believe his hurtful words. I didn't even dare to leave the house anymore and I did a lot of things that I regret now.
When he saw me he gave me that grinning look, that told me something was wrong, but I just tried to ignore it, because 1. today was our anniversary after all and 2. Nick would immediately noticed that something was off. Since me and Nick met he has always protected me from everything and learned literally everything about me. He knows exactly when I am uncomfortable or lying or in pain. Sometimes it's crazy how well he knows me. I even think he knows me better than I know myself, if that's possible.

The second I arrived at school I notice something off about Nick. He seems a bit scared, making me worry. Maybe he couldn't go out this evening? Did something happen? does he want to break up with me? I created all these scenarios in my mind as I take off my backpack and settle into my seat. "hi" he said and tried to smile. It was fake. "hi" I replied. "What's going on?" I ask worriedly seconds later. "Everything is great I just didn't get enough sleep" he complained, but it was a lie. I knew it was a lie. Literally everyone could tell that it was a lie. Nick has never been a good liar. "Nick" I looked him into his deep brown eyes, but he immediately looked down at his sheet in front of him. "Everything's fine I promise" he mumbled. There was definitely something wrong, but he didn't want to talk about it and I didn't want to force him to, so I let it go. "Are you excited about tonight?" I asked a minutes later.

"Yes, I really am because I have a special-" he was interrupted by Mr. Ajayi starting the first lesson. "Tell me tonight," I whispered with a smile before turning back to listen to our teacher.

hii guys!! I hope you liked the first chapter of this story. I had this in mind since last year but English is my second language and my grammar is not the best so I was too scared to start it. But now I finally did.
If you have ideas for new chapters, please write them in the comments. I'm always happy about suggestions xx

Do you even love me? - a Nick and Charlie story Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat