Chap 1

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Note: I was only 2 episodes into this show when I started writing this fic! :) Hope you enjoy it, I'm certainly enjoying the show!


Frustrated with herself, Annie decided to seek out the legendary ex CIA operative, Henrietta Lange, and ask her for advice.

The info she got said that Hetty would meet her at a cafe, so that's where she went.

'Miss Walker?' The small, yet very might woman called out.

'Yes? And you...'

'I'm Henrietta Lange. But you can call me Hetty. Everyone else does.'

(Shaking her hand). 'Nice to meet you! I've heard stories about you, and I honestly thought they were all like, urban myths!'

'I've heard of those. Seems unbelievable to most that a dwarf sized woman could ever be so good at anything.' Hetty humbly replied.

'You are like, a living legend at where I work!'

'I've heard that too.'

The ladies sat down for their tea, and talking. Annie started off by describing what her 1st day at the CIA was like.

Stunned. 'Wow. On my 1st day, I had a bumpy plane ride to Saigan, felt so uncomfortable upon landing, I almost wharfed on the pilot! (chuckle). And I also got bad jet lag. But seeing someone get killed? That was the 2nd day.' Hetty said.

'It's all just, so fast you know? Like you try to do your best to do everything right, and then something happens that leaves you scrambling and hoping you don't do something that gest you fired or demoted.' Annie replied.

'Ha! Sounds like a typical Monday or Tuesday. Here's a little tip: As much as they lecture us on not breaking the rules, they actually like it if you dare to break some. Shows you are a risk taker, and they love those. Just commit treason, they hate traitors.'

'Any more tips?'

'Plenty. Like here's 1: All those 'clinical' tropes they talk about during training? They're used all the time, and are very messy and dangerous. And most of the fight training is actually useless in a real fight, back in my day, most of my training was with actual fights! 'Nothing beats the real thing,' 1 of my trainers said. He also said that you should also always be prepared to fight dirty, so don't be afraid to bust balls or bite someone if you must.'

Amazed at Hetty's wisdom. 'I've, kind of gotten the jist of those. Any tips on earning respect, or even having a normal life? I could really use some advice on both those fronts.' Annie asked.

'Respect? Don't take shit from nobody, let if be clear that you are someone not to be messed with. Tracking down enemy spies that no one can catch also helps. A normal life? Well, it's not easy, at all. You see things, do things that you can't talk about, you have to always have a good excuse ready whenever you have to suddenly rush off on a mission. Not everyone can handle all the secrets and deception. With me, (sad look), I found it was easy to just be alone, that way no one can get hurt by my past life.'

Stunned look.

'I'm not saying that will happen to you. Maybe you'll get luckier then I've been.' Hetty cleared that up.

'I hope so. Any more bits of wisdom you can share with me?' Annie asked, relieved.

Hetty then went into a long talk filled with wisdom, exciting tales, and survival tips.

'How, have you survived this long?! (light chuckle). Are you like a cat or something?!' Annie asked, amazed by the old woman's thrilling life.

Hetty laughed in appreciation. 'No, I am not. I just refuse to die easily. That's really the best survival tip you'll get in the Agency. Well, knowing how to shoot right also helps.'

'You should've been my trainer at the Farm, I'd probably be better then everyone else at this point!'

'No offense, Miss Walker. But you wouldn't last 10 minutes in my training programs. Speaking of, did you know I actually invented some of the current training programs? Like the driving, the firearms and the deception programs?' asked Hetty.

'That explains why they were so tough. I actually did better with driving then everyone else.'

'Impressive! Though, I doubt you could beat me in a street race.'

'Is that a challenge of sorts?'

'Goodness no! (laughs). Ah, I love this. Just making friendly talk with a friend. You learn to appreciate the quiet moments in this line of work.' Hetty said, happy.

'I know. I now love any moment I get to spend with my family even more then befote.' Annie replied.

'That's good. Cherish them every chance you get. You never know if you'll always come home to them.'


'I have to know, did you really flirt with 1 of your bosses?' Annie asked.

'Uh, I deny all of that! That man back then wouldn't know what real flirting looked like if a beautiful blonde smacked him in the face!' Hetty replied quite defensively.

After they were done with their tea, the ladies shook hands again and went their separate ways.

Before she left, Annie got Hetty's number for whenever she needed a friend to talk to, and 1 last message:

'Trust you training and instincts.'

From Spy to SpyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora