Chapter 2: Castor

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"Any luck?"

"None. These things just won't come off" Bakugou sneered, yanking at the device around his neck. The three teens along with Y/N had metal collars around their necks, and the students only assumed it was the reason their quirks weren't working.

"It's freezing in here too, hey Y/N, do they ever turn on the heat in here?" Midoriya asked, slumping against the concrete wall as he looked towards the boy.

Y/N's fingertips fidgeted with the metal around his wrists, looking up when his name was called.
"Sometimes" he replied quietly. Bakugou mumbled a few curse words to himself, pacing around his cell like a tiger stuck in the barriers of a zoo. His red eyes darted everywhere, every corner, analyzing anything that could potentially free them.

"So this is the research facility then? Never expected it to be underground, I guess that's why it's been hidden this entire time" Todoroki said, standing by the bars as he too scanned his new surroundings.

"We should have waited for Mr. Aizawa, the heroes don't even know where we are" Midoriya said with a sigh, running his gloved hands through his hair. "Kacchan what about your gauntlets?"

"You think I haven't thought of that yet? They're busted, pin won't come out" Bakugou replied, unclipping and tossing his gauntlets to the side. "I'll take a look at them though, might just be a jam. Hey, brat, how long you been here?"

Y/N stiffened up when the hard spoken one called out to him. He was the scarier one of the three by far.
"I- uh- I was born here."

"We had a tip that there were other children in a quirk research facility. Where are the other ones?" Shoto asked, taking a knee that connected the bars of his cell to Y/N's, trying to get close to the boy.

"There was before, but they're gone now" Y/N answered, his eyes struggling to stay open. His favorite part about the facility was when he was put back in his cell, it was usually quiet time, where he can sleep and envision what the night, starry sky was up to.
But of course Y/N didn't have the heart, or guts, to tell the three teens to keep it down so he could rest after another tough day. He was always told that anyone and everyone older than him had the authority, and he was supposed to keep quiet unless told otherwise.

Midoriya felt his heart drop at the words, his hands tightly clasping into fists. All the parents around Japan, being mournful, yet hopeful that their children would returned safely was all washed away with just a few words coming from the lone survivor.
He didn't let such emotions flow to further distress the child, and he smiled sadly at him.

"We're going to get you out of here okay? The three of us are heroes. Well, heroes in training" Midoriya said, watching as the child tilted his head towards him.


"Yeah, like All Might. Do you know who that is?"

Y/N shook his head, looking towards the blonde when he head a click of his tongue. The teen looked even more angered, and Y/N was scared that he was the cause of the infuriation. But relaxed when he only heard him cursing their captors.

"They're people who help others, the ones who are in trouble and need to be rescued" Shoto explained.

"Rescued" Y/N repeated, another word he hadn't heard before. He flinched hard when the door to the cell room slammed open, footsteps approaching and stopping in front of Y/N's cell.

"You little shit, one of the scalpels from the testing room is gone . You have it?"

"N-No I don't" Y/N wanted to curse himself for his stuttering, and he shrank in on himself even more when they unlocked the door to his 'room'.

"I promise, I didn't!" Y/N exclaimed in a panic, his breathing picking up as he scooted back as much as he could.

"Hey! Assholes, leave the kid alone!" Bakugou yelled, grasping the bars of his cell and shaking them. The guards ignored the three teens as they yelled at them, making a beeline towards the child. The one leading the charge harshly kicked the boy in the stomach, making his back clash with the concrete wall painfully.

Y/N gasped for fake air, having felt it all leave his lungs as he curled into a ball. The front of his ragged clothing was grasped and he was dragged from the corner. He was hit numerous times, in the face, his side, kicks and stomps on his ribs. Blood was running down his face and he lay slumped on the ground by the time they were done.

Y/N choked for breaths, looking up at the plain ceiling before rolling to his side to try and clear his airway.

The guards snickered, the one leading the sudden assault reaching into his pocket and pulling out the missing scalpel. The man had taken it from the tray of equipment to use as an excuse to beat the child. Which had been done in the past when the guards were bored.

"See? You should've just handed it over when you had the chance" he mocked, chuckling with his companions as they left Y/N's cell, locking it behind them.

"You fuckers, get back here! I'll kill you, you hear me?!" Bakugou threatened, not used to being the one with no control over a situation. There was a defenseless kid just feet away from him getting the sense knocked out of him, and he couldn't do a single thing. None of them could.

"Y/N, try to crawl closer" Midoriya insisted, ripping off part of his sleeve to help clear some of the blood to at least help a little with the child's breathing.
But the boy made no move to do so, only scooting back to his corner and curled in on himself.

His breathing was stuttered, his eyes shutting as he was overcome with sleep, a few tears mixed with his blood trailing down his cheek and onto the floor.

He was beaten so badly, that he didn't even have time to imagine what the moon looked like this night.
His only moments of peace, gone like the lost traces of a shooting star.

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