j. madden

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name : jasper atlas madden

nicknames : jas

age : 22 - 25

birthdate : december 29th

gender : male

pronouns : he/him/his

sexuality : he's a pretty closeted bisexual, not due to fear of coming out, he just doesn't really understand why everyone needs to know his business

faceclaim : jensen ackles

appearance : jasper always seems to have a smirk or something close to that on his face

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appearance : jasper always seems to have a smirk or something close to that on his face. he tends to look like he just rolled out of bed and grabbed a sweatshirt and walked out the door. his facial expressions tend to mimic what he's thinking and if you can read his facial expressions, you can pretty much just read him. he's rather tall, maybe 6'4-6'5, but he tends to hold himself in a way that makes him non-threatening, despite his height. he has some muscle to him, but not too much that it looks unnatural. his eyes tend to shimmer when he gets excited about something, and when he's not feeling the best, they tend to be almost blank, like he isn't thinking anything.

personality : jasper is pretty relaxed. he tends to not let things get to him (or he is just really good at not showing it), he prefers to just live life as it happens. he's very easy to get along with. he also tends to not take things seriously at times, sometimes he doesn't read the room and makes a joke at an inappropriate time. he's not really quiet, but he isn't talkative either, he's kind of like a happy middle. he's extremely sarcastic, he's someone who chooses to deflect feelings and uses sarcasm to do so. jasper isn't exactly hard to get along with, because he tends to match the energy of the people he is around.

strengths : he tends not to appear fazed by things that might freak some other people out. he's very intelligent, he's easy to talk to despite his sarcastic nature. he has a calming nature, and he's able to easily calm people down with a few simple words

weaknesses : despite not appearing fazed by things, he tends to freak out internally really easily. he might say he's perfectly happy being alone, but he isn't. he tends to not let himself be taken care of and much prefers to care for others.

fears : living the rest of his life alone. whenever he's alone, he tends to get in his head and he ends up in a bad place where he refuses to let himself get to anymore. not being enough for people also freaks him out, he just wants to feel wanted and for people to let him take care of them.

likes : waking up to freshly brewed coffee, flannels. the way rain sounds when it hits a window. reading, especially when it's raining outside. old records that you have to wipe the dust off before you can start to play them.

dislikes : the heat, thunderstorms, and extremely loud places. not being able to take care of the people he loves, feeling unwanted, the unknown.

backstory : jasper's dad was never around when he was a kid, he left them the moment his younger brother was born, it was always just him, his mom and his younger brother. his mom did the absolute best she could to raise two boys with no help, she worked two jobs and picked up extra shifts every time she could. once jasper was old enough, he got a job and started to help his mom pay the bills. when jasper was around 17, his mom was diagnosed with cancer and she died from it when he was 18. jasper stayed in the house for another two years, making sure that his brother was going to be okay before leaving and moving away, he couldn't stand being in the house that had all his memories with his mother when she wasn't there. he moved, started his own bookstore, and has been 'fine' on his own for a few years.

family :
cody madden (father, unknown status)
isabel madden (mother, deceased)
caspian madden (younger brother, alive)

occupation : he owns a small hole-in-the-wall bookstore, he used some of the money he made when he was younger to buy it, and now he owns his own store.

aesthetic : below <3

playlist : to be made <3

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playlist : to be made <3

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