Chapter 1

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Y/n pov

I kicked my sister and niichan towards the demon while I'm burning. I see their shock crying faces. I smile in pain and close my eyes.

I open my eyes again to see I'm surrounded by white. I sit up to see I'm not burnt anymore. I touch my face to feel no muzzle. I look around in confusion.

"I see you're awake!" ??? Says

I look to the direct of the voice to see...

I look to the direct of the voice to see

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I blink several times.

"Hey there (y/n), call me blue or Kitkat." They say
"Where... am... I?" I ask

I blink in shock. I can speak...

"You're in the in-between since you're dead and all that stuff." they say
"D-dead..." I whisper
"Yep! But don't worry! I'm letting you get reborn." they says

I stare at them with beaded eyes...

"Oh, don't look at me like that! Let me do my job and I can help you with your new life!" They rant out
"Will I meet my family and friends?" I ask
"Mmm, soon..." they say

I just nod at them quietly. They smile and touch my head. I soon see darkness.

Blue/kitkat pov

I watch her turn into a ball of light before vanishing.... I should have mentioned that she will still be a demon... oh, well, she won't remember anyway!

Y/n pov

I open my eyes and look around to see people rushing around, one of them picking me up.

"Hey, sweetheart, let's get you to your new home." she says

I look confused, but I just fall asleep again.

------Timeskip brought by a chaotic---- -----------------------creator-----------------------
I'm now 1! The staff at the orphanage told me I'm extremely smart for my age. Also that I've been born with a quirk! So cool!

Right now, I'm crawling to a toy to play with. I'm giggling happily as the other kids are either asleep or playing with a toy as well.

"Here are the baby and toddlers." Miss Ashley says
"Aww, they're so cute!" A female says

(A/n: Yes, I aged up midnight by 3 years. I will also age up aizawa and mic so they will be 19)

I look up to see a young woman with midnight hair. She sees me and kneels to my height.

"Hey sweetheart, what's your name?" She asks
"(Y/n)," I say
"Oh, she can talk already!" She says
"Yep! Little (y/n) here, she is one of our smartest babies. Also, being born with a powerful quirk." Miss Ashley states proudly
"How old is she?" The women asked
"I'm 1!" I say
"I'll take her. Do you want me to be your mummy?" She asks

I blink, and I drop my toy before standing up. I smile to show my small teeth and fangs. She coos and picks me up. I hug her tightly.

"Let's get the papers done, and she's yours, Miss Kayama. " Miss Ashley says softly

I smile happily and I start cheering. They both laugh. I kinda soon falling asleep in mummy lap while she is doing something.

I wake up again to hear shouting. I open my eyes to see a black hair man strangling the one shouting, who has blonde hair. I blink a bit and see I'm still in mummy arms.

"Mummy, who they?" I ask
"Did they wake you?" She asks

I nod my head. She sighs and points at the black hair one.

"That's uncle shota aizawa. The one he is strangling is Uncle Hizashi Yamada." Mummy says

They both stop what they're doing and look at me. Uncle Hizashi smiles.

"Hey, little listener! We'll be helping ya with everything!" Uncle Hizashi says
"What that idiot says..." uncle shota says boredly

I nod my head quietly. This will be interesting....

I'm now 5, and they all decided that I should be personally educated by someone called Nezu in a week time... however, they are all shaking in fear??? I shrug it off.

Right now, I'm tugging Mama's skirt.

"Mama, can I go play at the park?" I ask
"Mmm, sure, sweetheart." She says
"Yay!!" I cheer happily

I run away to get my shoes on. She laughs softly and follows my lead.

We soon arrive at the park, and she sits down on a bench and goes on her phone. I look around happily and run to the swings to see a girl looking sad... I walk to her.

"You okay?" I ask
"No... *kero* nobody wants to play with me *ribbit*" she says
"I can play with you!" I say
"Huh, really! *kero*" she says

I nod and smile at her happily. I shove my arm forward.

"I'm (y/n) Kayama!" I say
"*kero* I'm Tsuyu Asui, but call me Tsu." she says
"Then call me (y/n)!" I say

She laughs and shakes my hand, I drag her to the sand pit, and we start building sand castles while laughing with each other.

"Hey, what's your quirk? *kero*" she asks
"My quirk is called Oni. It lets me have super regeneration, super strength, super speed, and explosive blood, which turns into fire. It can also heal people as well. My bite is stronger than normal as well. I also can change my height." I say
"Cool! *ribbit * My quirk is frog." she says
"That's still cool! You can sneak on others and hide important stuff!" I say

She looks at me with wide eyes, but she smiles and tackles me into a hug. I laugh and hug her back. We kept playing for a few more hours around the park.

"Tsu sweetie time to go home *ribbit*!" A woman says
"Princess! It's time to go home, your uncle Hizashi is babysitting you!" Mama says

We pout and walk to our parents.

"But Mama, I want to play with Tsu some more," I say
"How about this. You two can have play dates," Mama says
"I agree. Tsu sweetie, do you want that? *kero*" she asks
"Hai!" Tsu says happily

Our mums exchange numbers. Mama picks me up. I waved bye to my new friend.


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