I told you dad wasn't in a band!

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Bruce:"And how exactly are we gonna achieve the perfect family, you do remember our last show right?"

John Dory:"If we practice we can do it!"

Bruce:"I don't know at this age-"

Bruce's kids:"See i told you, dad wasn't in a band!"

Bruce:"Oh i was in a band.. I was in THE band! Ask your mother!"

Brandy:"Oh your dad was in a band alright!"

Poppy and kids:"Prove it, prove it, prove it!"

Bruce:"Alright! I will!"

Poppy:"Branch go up sing with your brothers!"

Branch:"I will when we need to save Floyd, not just for funsies.."

Poppy:"You're probably right."

Branch:"No no no- Wait? what-"

Poppy:"You're probably embarrassed, afraid and overwhelmed and thats why you shouldn't do it"

Branch: "What? I think i can handle singing a song.."

Poppy and kids:"Prove it, prove, it prove it!"

Branch: Wow! I can't believe i remember every step and lyrics!

Poppy: Looks like your boy band days aren't over, grrrr (help why poppy)

|:| Time Skip |:|

Somewhere else while the trio of brother and poppy goes to look for their brother clay

Astra: "Ow.. *groans* Where am I?"

The troll looked around but found himself in a huge glass container with a quite beautiful red diamond in the middle, not knowing what it does, he went up to it and barely touched it and it almost sucked every last talent out of him.

He stumbled back, catching his breath, he made a mental note to himself not to get too close to it. Hearing a door close and something making thump and a "oof"

He recognized the soft crying of his bigger friend, well he considered Crimp his friend after all he had no one..

He banged on the glass container, saying her name out loud just not enough to make sure Velvet and Veneer couldn't hear him.

The crying stopped and a door opened and Crimp revealed herself, he let out a breathe of relief, seeing her okay.

Astra:"Crimp! You're okay, thank god.."

Crimp:"Astra? How are you still alive, i- i- i mean i thought Miss Velvet killed y-you!"

Astra:"Shh, I'm.. okay, where am I?"



Crimp:"... "


Omg the cold is finally going away for a few days but.. the cold fricked up my current wifi and router so i am getting a new one! It's gonna take a few days so please hold on

Also i wanted to make it CLEAR that i don't use the exact lines at times in the story from the movie, ive had someone rudely message me about it and i hoped i made it clear that i make my own lines in the book since its doesn't take forever and copy everything and i like to use my own words and lines.

I try to stay on the same boat with the story and movie so please don't be mean to me about it ^^; thats all!

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