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TWS: Scars

Chan and Changbin had been friends for as long as they could remember. They shared laughter, dreams, and secrets, forming a bond that seemed unbreakable. However, there were parts of Changbin's past that he had kept hidden, concealed beneath the fabric of his shirts and the walls of his silence.

One day, as the two friends were hanging out at Changbin's apartment, Chan couldn't help but notice the scars on Changbin's chest when he took off his shirt. The room fell into a hushed stillness as Chan's eyes traced the patterns of healed wounds, each scar telling a story of pain and struggle. The breath rushed from Chan's lungs, a mixture of shock and concern flooding his senses.

For a moment, Chan was paralyzed by the sight, unsure of how to react. He wanted to ask, to understand, to offer comfort, but he also knew that some wounds were too deep for words. Changbin, sensing Chan's internal conflict, broke the silence with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"It's okay," Changbin reassured, his voice calm and steady. Chan blushed, feeling the weight of his curiosity and the anger at whoever had hurt Changbin. He bit his lip, pushing down the urge to pry, respecting Changbin's privacy.

As they continued their day, Chan couldn't help but steal glances at Changbin, the scars haunting his thoughts. Eventually, Changbin caught on to Chan's lingering gaze. With a knowing smile, he decided to address the unspoken concern between them.

"It's really fine. They don't really hurt anymore," Changbin said, attempting to ease Chan's worries. Strangely, this revelation only made Chan feel worse. He was suddenly overwhelmed with a fierce determination to find whoever had caused such pain to his friend.

A fire ignited within Chan, a burning need to protect Changbin from the shadows of his past. Days turned into nights, and the obsession grew. Eventually, unable to contain his emotions any longer, Chan confronted Changbin with a face that betrayed no emotion, but his eyes blazed with fury.

"Who was it?" Chan growled, his voice steady and terrifyingly calm.

Changbin chuckled nervously, a hint of discomfort in his expression. He quickly pulled his shirt over his head, glasses catching on the fabric and falling to the floor. Bending down to pick them up, he placed them back on his face and tried to defuse the tension.

"They don't hurt anymore. It's okay," Changbin insisted, but Chan was not easily pacified.

"I just want to find them!" Chan screamed, the frustration boiling within him.

"F-find who?" Changbin yelled back, bewildered by Chan's sudden outburst.

"The person who hurt you. To protect you from them!" Chan's eyes flashed with an intensity that sent shivers down Changbin's spine.

The room fell silent again, tension hanging in the air like a thick fog. Chan's determination was unwavering until Changbin's next words cut through the stillness like a knife.

"It was me, okay?" Changbin's voice got quiet, almost a whisper. Chan's eyes widened in disbelief. "Chan... Somebody else didn't do those. I did. How can you protect me from myself?"

The revelation hit Chan like a tidal wave, leaving him speechless. The scars on Changbin's body were not remnants of an external enemy but the result of internal battles that Changbin had fought alone. The room echoed with the weight of Changbin's confession, and Chan struggled to find the right words to bridge the growing chasm between them.

Chan stood frozen, the air thick with the weight of Changbin's revelation. He couldn't comprehend the words he had just heard. The scars on Changbin's body, the pain etched into his friend's history, were self-inflicted. Chan's fierce determination to protect his friend collided with the harsh reality that Changbin had been his own worst enemy.

The room echoed with the silence of their unspoken thoughts. Changbin's gaze remained fixed on the floor, avoiding the intensity of Chan's eyes. The vulnerability in his confession hung in the air, begging for understanding.

"Changbin," Chan finally managed to say, his voice softer now, filled with a mix of confusion and concern. "Why... Why would you do that to yourself?"

Changbin sighed a heavy and burdened sound. He took a moment before meeting Chan's gaze, a mix of emotions playing across his face. "It's complicated, Chan. Sometimes, the pain inside becomes too much, and I didn't know how else to cope. I never meant for you to find out like this."

Chan's initial anger dissolved into a complex mixture of empathy and sadness. He took a step closer to Changbin, wanting to bridge the emotional gap that had opened up between them. "Changbin, you don't have to face this alone. We're friends, and friends support each other. You should have told me."

Changbin looked down, guilt and shame etched on his features. The weight of his secrets had burdened him for far too long, and Chan's offer of support felt like a lifeline in the darkness he had created for himself.

"I was scared," Changbin admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Scared of being a burden, scared of losing you as a friend. I thought I could handle it on my own, but it got out of control."

Chan gently lifted Changbin's chin, forcing him to meet his gaze. "Changbin, we all have our struggles. It's okay to lean on someone when things get tough. I would rather you share your pain with me than carry it alone."

Changbin's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability filled the room. "I didn't want you to see me like this, Chan. I didn't want you to know that I was so... broken."

Chan's expression softened, his thumb brushing away a stray tear from Changbin's cheek. "We all have our broken pieces, Changbin. It doesn't make you any less valuable or lovable. I care about you, scars and all."

A hesitant smile tugged at the corners of Changbin's lips, and for the first time, he allowed himself to believe that maybe, just maybe, he didn't have to face his demons alone. The understanding in Chan's eyes made the vulnerability bearable, and a newfound sense of trust blossomed between them.

Together, they navigated the difficult journey of healing. Chan became a steadfast companion, accompanying Changbin to therapy sessions, offering a listening ear, and encouraging healthier coping mechanisms. Changbin, in turn, learned to let go of the fear that had imprisoned him, embracing the support that had been there all along.

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