Book One Water Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

[With Aang, Katara and Sokka]

The three still in the air head towards the southern air temple.

Sokka:*growl*Stomach, don't worry now I'll try to find some food.

Sokka begins looking for food only to find nothing.

Sokka:Hey! Who ate my dried seal meat.

Aang:Was that food? I used it to make a fire last night, sorry.

Sokka:What did you do?! Now I understand why it smelled so good.

Aang:The mountain range! we're almost there!

Katara:Aang before arriving at the temple I would like to talk to you about the airbenders.

Aang:What do you have to tell me?

Katara:Well, I just want you to be prepared for what you might find. The Fire Nation is ruthless, they killed my mother they might have done the same to your people.

Aang:Even if no one saw an airbender anymore it doesn't mean they were killed, maybe they escaped.

Katara:I know it's hard to accept.

Aang:You do not understand. Only with a flying bison you can reach the airbenders' temple and I doubt the Fire Nation has any of them. right Appa?

Appa passes over the mountains and reaches the Air Temple.

Aang:Here it is, the Southern Air Temple.

Aang:Here it is, the Southern Air Temple

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Katara:Aang is stunning.

Aang:We're home buddy, we're home.

[With Zuko]

In the camp tent, Zhao, Zuko, and Iroh continue talking.

Zhao:And by the end of the year the capital of the earthly kingdom will be under our dominion, the fire lord will finally be able to claim victory in this war

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Zhao:And by the end of the year the capital of the earthly kingdom will be under our dominion, the fire lord will finally be able to claim victory in this war.

Zuko:If my father thinks that the rest of the world is willing to follow him spontaneously then he is crazy.

Zhao:Two years at sea have done nothing to temper your tongue, so how's the search for the Avatar going?

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