。⋆。˚ ʚ 𝟬 ⋆ 𝟯 ɞ ˚。⋆。

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。⋆。˚ ʚ monkey ɞ ˚。⋆。

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。⋆。˚ ʚ monkey ɞ ˚。⋆。

We had made it to homecoming as there were stalls hundreds of stalls selling all different things, thousands of people swarming the area. I thought this town was small.

"Please don't be late to your seats guys, you know how much this means to Cole," Danny said as we all got out of the car. "I wouldn't miss it for the world" I smiled at Danny.

Lee ran off to meet up with his friends as Danny soon followed to go find his brothers. I stood next to the car awkwardly not knowing whether Isaac still wanted to go around with me. "You ready, Dawson?" he asked. I smiled "Yeah, lead the way, Garcia"

We walked along the path together looking at all the different stalls, we came across a twisted potato stand, where they put the potato on a stick and cut it funny. "Laila we have to get one" Isaac exclaimed as he pulled me by the wrist. he paid for two and we barely had to wait "Thank you" we both said in unison as the man handed us our potato sticks. isaac ripped a small piece off mine. "hey, ours are the exact same" I said as I watched him eat it. "yeah, but I had to check if yours is poisonous, we don't want you dying" he laughed "Wow you're so sweet" I said with a little sarcasm as I rolled my eyes. "you just wanted to eat mine didn't you?" I questioned. "yeah, yeah I did" he confessed.

we kept walking past all these cool stands, people selling food, drinks, toys, jewellery, paintings, and so much more. it was so cool to see the variety of stuff people had made. I dragged Isaac over to this jewellery stand where they had such nice silver necklaces, silver chains with a little charm on the bottom, ranging from love hearts, letters, names, butterflies, and bows, they had quite literally everything. I pointed a few out to Isaac as they were so so cool. "look at this one" I pointed at one that said 'cool shit' "you should get it" I laughed. he then fake laughed. how rude.

"come this way," he said as he grabbed my hand pulling me somewhere. we ended up in front of a ring toss stall. "what do you say we play a little game?" he asked as he handed the woman money for the two of us as I looked at all the prizes, "I really wanna win the monkey" I told him as I pointed to the stuffed animal. "You'll have to do better than me then, I want the elephant" he smirked. "Oh it's on, Garcia" I laughed.

We took it in turns each throwing one ring at a time, the first time we both got it, the second time I missed but Isaac made it, the third time Isaac missed and I made it. Now that we were tied whoever made this one won.

I threw the ring as it missed "I was so close" I complained. "Better luck next time, Dawson," he said as he threw the ring and landed it perfectly. "Now that's how it's done" I turned around to see Alex and Nathan at the Walter's cider stand. Smiling, Nathan waved me over. I turned to Isaac "I'll be at the cider stand, okay?" "yeah I'll meet you there" he smiled.

I walked over to Alex and Nathan "Hey Laila" Nathan said as Alex just smiled. "How's it going?" I asked referring to the cider. "Good, we've sold a couple hundred cups. How's Isaac?" Nathan laughed. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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