How I Meet The Others(scenario)

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So this is gonna be like uhhhhhhhh, how I Meet The other hollow heads and stuff- idk I got this idea from someone and uhhhhh yeah. Since I already met TSC and stuff so yeah- LET'S START THIS-

Part 1 btw

The Chosen one

Same thing, me sleeping and waking up but I wasn't in Alan's pc I was in the stick page. I was pretty much unconscious in a middle of.. A forest.. TCO was walking around the forest when he spotted me and ran towards and notice I was unconscious, he got a bit concerned since he noticed that I look a bit Young. He carried me back to his old house or cabin where he used to be with TDL. My vision was a bit blurry and I couldn't see anything.

A few minutes later..

I started to regain my consciousness as I slowly opened my eyes. I noticed I wasn't in my room anymore when I looked at my hands I immediately panicked and screamed, making it loud enough for TCO to hear he quickly went to the room and saw me panicking

"woah woah! Hey calm down!"

He quickly tries and calm me down, and it worked a bit but I was confuse

"wiat a min.. The Chosen one?!?!"

I said in surprised and TCO then was confused and shocked

"how do you know my name??"

I then explain it to him on who I am and I was from the real world and bla bla bla just like how I introduce myself in Alan's pc prob..

And after I was finish explaining it to him

"okay, wait a minute. You- know all does???"

TCO says in surprise

"uhmmm well. Yeah-"

I chuckled a bit hopefully he didn't get too confused but idk if he actually believes me :/ he sighed

"just get your rest.."

"oh ok-"

Hey atleast I wasn't panicking now, I mean it's weird having this stick figure body but I do really wanna go home :') TCO would stand up heading to the kitchen to cook some food for me, I didn't feel weak tho- I tried to stand up and just as you expected I fell down since idk how to walk on this dang stick body

"OH GA-"

TCO heard a thump, he quickly went inside and saw me on the floor he woil quickly put me back on the couch

"What the hell were you doing??"

"I was trying to stand up- but I uhhh fell down-"

"bro it's easy"

I scoffed

"easy for you to say"

"geez.. Just stay there"


I groaned and layed down back on the couch while he prepared the food, I mean I'm literally bored right now.

Some time later..

I kept laying on the couch thinking about the AVA eps I watched din Alan Becker, prob one of them might happen? I don't really know tbh. TCO then came inside the room again holding some food

"oh hey, your back took you long enough"

"im surprise you didn't try to walk away again"


"yes seriously"

TCO placed the food right in front of me so I can eat it

"eat up, you will need it to gain your strength again"

"oh, well thanks I guess"

Of course I ate it, it has some of my fav food in it (it was just a normal eggs with bacon and rice one) so yea, after I ate it I was full of course and layed back down on the couch

"man I'm full- ima go and get wat-"

TCO then placed me back in the couch

"nope, you might fall again"

"dude, I can't just always lay down on the couch atleast uhhhhh. Tecah me!"

TCO tilts his head a bit

"teach you...?"

"teach me how to walk! Yea!"

"yea idk-"


"OK OK-"

"yay :3"

Few days later....

We started to get a long tbh, it was fine and all. He teaches me soemtiems, but he ain't talkative and he would sometimes go out secretly to buy food. He sometimes let's me go actually

One day I was exploring around in the house till I found darks room, where he has his virabots blueprint stuff and the broken wall a bit. I noticed the machine ain't there anymore, ofc TCO would get rid of it. Until I notice a small little virabot in the corner

"oh holy-"

I slowly approach it and crouched down near it

"Hi- uhhh pls don't bite me :')"

And there I did the most stupidest thing ever, putting my hand down for the itty bitty virabot to crawl, nah it didn't seem to attack or bite me to delete me. Right?

The virabot went to my had as I slowly stand up

"I cnat believe I'm saying this but, your cute. I'm naming you spidy"

I guess it didn't try and bite me, and when I turned around to leave the room I saw TCO, he jumpscared me


"the fuck were you doing, kid?"

He then notice the itty bitty virabot I'm holding





I showed him spidy which he backed away a bit, thinking it would attack him. Then spidy went onto him which cause TCO to activate his fire powers but it seems like spidy is cuddling him



He then takes spidy away from him and puts spidy on my shoulder

"we're still not keeping it"

"oh come on! I'll take of it!"

"oh yeah, until it started to attack you"


"I doubt"

And in the end of the day I still managed to keep spidy, he doesn't bite I think. But he can still attack I guess, tho TCO still doesn't trust spidy. I mean, ik I have arachnopobia(how do you spell it) but idk virabots are cool ig despite them trying to delete other people

ALR end of part 1 meeting TCO idk if I have any ideas if I met TDL since he would just kill me and stuff, or idk. So I'm gonna do victim next for part 2 since I have no ideas for TDL


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