10| Christmas With The Coulsons Pt.2

Start from the beginning

Julie sighed. "If you're sure. Daisy is always welcome here with me." She smiled down at the baby on her lap. "Have you done the paperwork yet?"

Ah, the adoption paperwork sitting underneath a month's worth of files.

Phil avoided his mother's gaze as he started up the stove again. "Not yet," he said, tastefully turning away. "I will soon." He heard her sigh as he tried to deflect. "So, do anything fun since we last visited?"

"Not particularly," his mother replied. "Mostly did what I always do. Got asked back to your middle school to be the secretary."

May scoffed. "Don't they have other options than you? Because you're retired."

"I'm well aware," Julie said dryly. "I told them to ask again if they really had no other choice because then I'd be asking for a hefty pay raise and a bigger pension than they can afford, and they went away. Funny how they do that."

Phil smiled.

Their Christmas went smoothly even as his mother continued to prod him about getting Daisy's adoption papers done.

Phil got a very nicely engraved pen and a sweater from his mother, a tie from May, and- with May's assistance- a kiss on the cheek from Daisy.

He gave May a newly developed leather jacket that his friend over at the tech department designed. It wasn't really leather, just a synthesized version that could potentially be knife-proof. It had a lot of pockets.

Julie gave May a box of cookies to take back with her along with her very own sweater as well.

And of course, with help from Phil, a kiss on the cheek from Daisy. Well, more of a bump since he wasn't very adept at steering her while his arms were stretched out.

May beamed and gave a little kiss back to the baby, who started laughing and reached out to touch May's face delightedly.

"You're a cute one, aren't you?" the agent said, dropping the sweater on her lap so Phil could pass Daisy to her. "Aww."

May sat Daisy on her lap, bouncing her leg to keep her entertained.

"Phil, come here and help me take out the pie, would you, darling?" Julie asked, getting up.

"Of course, Mom."

The two of them walked over to the kitchen, where Julie put out a rack on the counter. "It'll be a minute," she said, before pulling his arm to better get his attention. "Look at her," Julie commanded quietly.

"Who?" Phil glanced over to the living room, where May was still entertaining Daisy, all smiles and laughter. "May?"

"Yes, Melinda," Julie said huffily.

"What about her?"

"When are you going to ask the poor girl out?" his mother demanded. "Everyone knows the two of you love each other. And I mean everyone. Mr. Fury, your friends, your principal, your cousin... everyone except the two of you. Get your act together and get it over with."

Phil was at a loss. "But- but I'm not in love with May," he protested quietly. "She's my best friend! Yes, we do everything together, and that's cause we're partners. We look after each other."

"I didn't raise you to be this blind, Phil, goodness!" Julie sighed. "Fine. Have it your way. I hope you have a bassinet set up for Daisy in your room."

"I do." Phil opened the oven and pulled out the pie. "I don't know why you're doing this, Mom. She doesn't like me that way, she can't. She knows how terrible of a boyfriend I'd be. And May- she's just my best friend."

Julie rolled her eyes. "Sure." She shooed him away as he tried to help. "Go talk with your best friend who's holding your baby."

Phil, frowning, obeyed and sat down next to May.

"What happened?" she asked, supporting Daisy as the baby sat on her lap. May glanced up, a few rogue strands of hair falling into her eyes.

Before she could react and before Phil could think, he tucked it behind her ear. He did that before, many times. It'd never been romantic other than the times when he was being a flirt, but he was a flirt to everyone. Mostly May. Was his mother right? She couldn't be.

"Phil?" May's voice rang out, coloured with concern. "Are you okay?"

He blinked, letting Daisy grab his fingers. "I'm fine," he lied. "Mom just wanted me to help out." Phil's gaze flicked from his baby to his best friend's eyes, to the hand that still lingered close to her ear. He pulled away.

"Pie time!" Julie called. "Melinda, a sixth slice as always?"

"Of course, Mrs. Coulson!" May chirped. She hoisted a giggling Daisy into the air to avoid hitting Phil's head as she passed him. "You know me so well!"

Phil followed May slowly and sat down at the counter. A pie of apple pie with vanilla ice cream was pushed in front of him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" May asked, looking at him with her brows furrowed. "You look kinda out of it."

"Do I?" he murmured. "I'll be fine. Nothing pie and ice cream can't fix." Phil forced a smile onto his face and took a bite. "You're right. I put too much effort in."

"I disagree." May beamed at him as Daisy reached for the fork. There was a twinkle in her eye as she said, "It's perfect."

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