"Don't be telling me what's my business." The man pulls his gun out and I immediately stand up, pulling my gun to aim at his face. Daryl walks forward with his crossbow up. One of the inmates tell the man to "Chill." and his so called leader should listen. I wouldn't be surprised if he went to prison for being the most nosiest and annoy son of a bitch out there.

"Dude's leg is messed up." The tall man with a beard says, "Besides, we're free now. Why we still in here?" I like him even though he may be a criminal.

"I like the optimism." I nod at the man and he smiles at me.

"I gotta check on my old lady." Another says.

"Group of civilians breaking into a prison you've got no business being in," The long haired man speaks up again, "got me thinking there ain't no place for us to go." He screws his face up. I guess he never wants to be quiet.

"Why don't you go find out." Daryl tells them, his accent deep nearly making me swoon.

"Maybe we'll be going now." The mustache man nods at us as he tries to get the 'leader' to go.

"Hey, we ain't leaving." The man gets aggressive.

"You ain't coming in, either." T-Dog cocks his gun at the man as he gets rude. He pulls his gun at T-Dog quickly. 3 armed people agaisnt one. He has no chance.

"It is my house, my rules. I go where I damn well please." He shouts at us.

"Oh please." I laugh, "This has never been your damn house."

"I earned my right here." He yells.

"Earned your right?" I question with a laugh.

"What's so funny?" He yells. I continue to laugh at his idiocricy. "Go on tell me. What are you laughing at?" He steps forward putting his gun in my face. I stand straight looking at his gun then at him. I'm not threatened. I've dealt with worse and I can deal with this prick.

"There ain't nothing for you here." Daryl yells at him and the man aims his gun at Daryl again. I step back, holding my gun tightly in my hand. "Why don't you go back to your own sandbox-" Daryl begins shouting as Rick yells, storming in.

"Everyone relax." He puts his hand up, "There's no need for this." But there was need for this. This asshole needed to be put down and I wanted to be the one to do it.

"How many of you in there?" The man questions, cocking his head to the side.

"Too many for you to handle." Rick sasses back. Yes! Put him in his place Rick.

"You guys rob a bank or something?" He aims his gun at Rick, "Why don't you take him to the hospital?" Hysterically, I laugh at him again. Is he really that stupid? A hospital...

"How long you been locked in that cafeteria?" Rick asks. Obviously way too long. This guys have had it easy in there by the sounds of it.

The man looks between us with question, "Going on ten months." He's missed it all. The men all told their stories about what happened before they got locked in the cafeteria. Something about men going cannibal and coming back to life. They really were clueless. They had been in that cafeteria having it easy even despite prison was meant to pay for what you did. They been rewarded with a simple 10 months in there and we have been out there paying the prices. How was that fair?

Rick explains to them the situation. No hospital, no business. No computers, absolutely nothing. "At least half of the population has been wiped out." Rick tells them and most of the men look down with sadness in their eyes. Even though they were criminals, they had people they loved and cared for too and now they were more than likely gone.

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