Chapter One

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August 1963
In the tranquil town of Saint-Jean-d'Angély, as the summer of 1963 embraced its peak, the grandeur of the Dubois estate stood in stark contrast to the town's quaint charm. Within its respected walls, Élise Dubois, a young woman of sixteen, prepared for the annual gala, an event that had become a tradition in the Dubois family and a highlight of the social calendar.

The Dubois estate, a sprawling mansion of classical design, spoke of generations of wealth and power. Its walls, adorned with priceless art, its libraries filled with rare books, and its halls echoing with the footsteps of history, were a testament to the family's legacy.

Élise, in her room, stood before an antique mirror that echoed generations of Dubois history. The room around her was a canvas of her passions and identity: a collection of Audrey Hepburn films, with "Breakfast at Tiffany's" at the forefront and ballet shoes neatly lined up. She was a blend of enigmatic charm and the sophistication of a young socialite.

As Élise Dubois stood before the grand mirror in her room, the soft evening light filtering through the curtains. As she gazed at her reflection, she saw a young woman with a naturally slim and curvaceous figure, distinctively different from the typical ballerina's physique. Her dress, carefully chosen for the evening, complemented her form beautifully.

The dress, mid length hem and square neckline a masterpiece of silk satin, draped over her in a way that accentuated her slender waist and softly rounded curves . The fitted bodice hugged her figure gracefully, while the flowing skirt moved with an almost ethereal quality, subtly highlighting her form. It was a perfect blend of elegance and femininity, a testament to her unique presence.

As Élise turned slightly, the mirror captured the gentle contours of her silhouette, the light blue dress enhancing her natural beauty. There was a strength in her stance, a quiet confidence that came not just from her upbringing but from the self-awareness of her own distinctive charm.

As Anne, her maid, helped her with the final touches, as she pinned up her chestnut hair, studded with tiny pearls, Élise's mind wandered. She often felt trapped in this life of luxury, a gilded cage that seemed to draw tighter with each gala, each smile she had to fake. Her gaze lingered on a dog-eared copy of "Pride and Prejudice" on her nightstand, a stark contrast to her surroundings.

"Mademoiselle Élise, you are the very image of grace," Anne, her maid, said as she placed the final pearl clip in her hair. Élise's smile was a study in subtlety, her thoughts adrift. She was a young woman on the cusp of a significant change, about to enter Voltaire high, a school that had, until now, been the domain of boys. She had skipped a grade due to her exceptional intelligence, making her a year younger than her peers. But thanks to the generous funding from her family, the school was opening its doors to eleven girls, a move that marked a turning point in the institution's history.

In that moment, with the gala awaiting her presence downstairs, Élise embodied the poise and grace expected of her, yet on her own terms. She was not just the heir to the Dubois legacy but a young woman coming into her own, her figure a symbol of her individuality in a world of traditional expectations.

Downstairs, the estate buzzed with guests arriving for the gala. The evening air was filled with the melodious blend of conversations, laughter, and the soft tunes of a string quartet. The gardens, a showcase of the family's old-money heritage, were immaculately groomed and glowed under the gentle illumination of fairy lights.

Descending the grand staircase, her silk satin dress gracefully accentuated her figure, drawing admiring glances from the gathered guests. Among them was Joseph Descamps, standing awkwardly among a sea of tuxedos and gowns, couldn't help but notice Élise. Standing off to the side, he observed her with an undeniable intrigue, his eyes subtly following her movements. Her elegance and the poise with which she navigated the crowd were striking, making her stand out even in the large gathering. As their gazes briefly met, a momentary connection sparked between them, setting the stage for their ensuing encounter.

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