# Hawkins? #

93 3 15

Started : 6/01/24
Finished : 12/01/24

⚠️ TWS : S@/R@p3 mentions , Death ⚠️

The way the kids died is made up, i dont know how they actually died since i dont have great memory so im making it up



Vance walked out of that basement. Blood covering his clothes.

The grabber was dead.

His body was there. Beaten. Bleeding. Scratched. He had a broken ankle, a broken wrist and a broken neck. He was finally dead.

Once the police went down, they saw his body along with the five other boys hidden, they found them in the order they died

Griffin. He had a broken back, broken legs, and his neck was cut open.

Billy. He had cuts and bruises all over him.

Bruce. A line cut down his face. The cut being obvious deeper at the top.

Robin. The back of his neck cut with bruises that look like hand prints all over him.

Finney.. His head got axed, and he had bite marks on him. On his neck, stomach and arms.


I walked out of the basement after discovering the bodies. Their bodies. The person i love's body. I saw the police outside. Albert had broke my leg to try and stop me. I limped towards them, i could feel my eyes giving in as my vision turned dark.

I couldnt see, i collapsed to the floor. I heard my name being shouted, but it was just echos. I couldn't hear. Everything was so faint. 'hey kid keep your eyes open!'

And then, there was nothing. Just.. ringing.


Hopper was sitting in the living room whilst Mike and El were in her room, he looked at the door and noticed it was closed "THREE INCHES ELEVEN!" He shouted and he heard a groan as the door opened slightly

Hopper looked back at the TV when the phone started ringing, he grumbled something and got up answering the phone

"Hello? Who is this?" He asked
"Hello, this is Northern Denver hospital. Are you.. Jim hopper?"
"Im sorry? Northern Denver? And yes i am Jim Hopper."
"We have a patient here, and we believe that you are the only person that is able to take care of him."
"What?! Who??"
"Vance Hopper."

Hopper froze at that name. He hasnt heard that in years. He forgot about his nephew after vances parents didnt let him come see hopper.

"Sir? You are apparently the only family he has left."
"Are you sure? What happened to his parents"
"They disappeared."

Hopper let out a big sigh "i can come get him."

"Okay great, come up any time today to collect him"
"Why is he in hospital? What happened?"
"Im sorry, we cant disclose that information as the poor kid would probably not be comfortable with that.."
"Okay okay."

Hopper groaned and hung up the phone standing there, thinking on what to do. He hasnt seen this kid in years, he doesnt even know if he still is the sweet little boy he used to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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