1. Leaving

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"Belle, are you packed up?" I hear my moms yell from the kitchen. "Almost!" I yell back while looking out of the window in my room.

Actually, I am already packed up for maybe two hours. I'm just enjoying the last peaceful moments I have in the room of my childhood. An endless view of the small town I grew up in was one of my favourites. The cold, not so much. You know, North Dakota.

My parents has just randomly decided, that the best thing we can do as a family is to move across the country. So they sold our house (without my, or my sisters knowledge), and bought a house in San Francisco. Which is slightly bigger city than the one we used to live in. Probably like more than half a million people difference.

I last look around my room and wipe one tear off of my cheek with my thumb. Grabbing my bag and small suitcase, I last check if there are any leftovers in the room and open the door. Kathy is already running down the stairs with her new pink backpack, that she got for Christmas and a stuffed unicorn in her hands. Kathy is only six years old, so she's full of energy and excitement for her new friends.

I somehow manage to get the smaller suitcase down the stairs with me. (I would rather not mention the part when I almost fall.) The bigger one is still waiting upstairs for my dad, because it's too heavy for me to even consider lifting it.

I get all of my things into the car and run back inside, because outside is cold as hell. All of our furniture is already in San Francisco, thank god.

"Are you excited for our new home?" I hear Kathys sweet voice. "Yes, I think. But I will miss this place." I say, letting out the part where I am mad at our parents for not talking to us first, before doing such a decision as moving all across the whole fucking States.

It took me a solid month to get out of my dad at least a few pictures of the house.

"I am so excited to have so many new friends in school." She cheers and run away.

At least someone will have friends.

I walk for the last time through the house, wipe all the tears out of my eyes and go to the car. Dad is already by the drivers seat, waiting for the rest of us to come out.  Through all the effort, it's still pretty clear that he cries.

Who wouldn't? 
We are basically leaving the whole rest of our family here, along with 18 years full of memories.

We last say goodbye to the old home and wave until the house was out of our reach. And by that time, I'm already half asleep with Lana Del Rey singing in my ears.

A bright light from the street lamps wakes me up. Right at time when we arrive to the airport. Thank god I slept through the whole two-and-half ride, because at least I didn't have to listen to Baby Shark on loop.

We pack all of our stuff out and leave the car in parking lot, where it's grandpas turn to have it. We decided (parents decided), that we'll go into the new year with a clear shield. Which means everything new. Car, house, school, city, state and time zone.

It is half past 10pm and our flight isn't until 7am, so the best thing we come up with is to sleep at the airport, instead of home. It wouldn't make much of a difference, considering that the airport benches are as comfortable as rocks, but the old (at some cases even moldy) mattresses we got from grandpas basement were much worse.

Everything (besides our backs) go as planned and we board the plane safely. And as soon as we took off, I proudly continue in my sleep. This time, for the first time in more than a week, comfortably. Well as much comfortably as one can on a plane get.

~ ~ ~

"Belle, wake up." I hear from my sleep. "Dad, let me sleep. School hasn't even started yet." I mutter and try to turn on my other side. "We are going to land soon." I hear again. Right at this exact moment I realise I'm on a plane, flying to San Francisco.

"I have to pee." Is the first thing that comes out of my mouth. Still half asleep, I successfully walk to the bathroom, where I do all I have to, splash my face with cold water to wake up, (not that good idea of mine) and go back.

The airplane successfully land and we, along with our stuff get out as one of the last ones, because this plane was, very unexpectedly, crowded with people.

As soon as we get out of the Airport, a breeze of warm air slap my face. And while we wait for dad to come back with our new car, we're sitting in some Airport café and listening to Kathy talking about how she's excited 

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